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Solving the problem of Blockwise Isomorphism of Polynomials with Circulant matrices


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The problem of Isomorphism of Polynomials (IP problem)is known to be important to study the security of multivariate public keycryptosystems, one of the major candidates of post-quantum cryptography,against key recovery attacks. In these years, several schemes based on theIP problem itself or its generalization have been proposed. At PQCrypto2020, Santoso introduced a generalization of the problem of Isomorphism ofPolynomials, called the problem of Blockwise Isomorphism of Polynomials(BIP problem), and proposed a new Diffie-Hellman type encryption schemebased on this problem with Circulant matrices (BIPC problem). Quiterecently, Ikematsu et al. proposed an attack called the linear stack attackto recover an equivalent key of Santoso’s encryption scheme. While thisattack reduced the security of the scheme, it does not contribute to solvingthe BIPC problem itself. In the present paper, we describe how to solvethe BIPC problem directly by simplifying the BIPC problem due to theconjugation property of circulant matrices. In fact, we experimentallysolved the BIPC problem with the parameter, which has 256 bit security bySantoso’s security analysis and has 72.7 bit security against the linear stackattack, by about 10 minutes.
机译:众所周知,多项式同构问题(IP问题)对于研究多元公钥密码系统的安全性非常重要,多元公钥密码系统是后量子密码学的主要候选者之一,可以抵御密钥恢复攻击。这些年来,已经提出了几种基于知识产权问题本身或其推广的方案。在PQCrypto 2020上,Santoso介绍了多项式同构问题的推广,称为多项式的分块同构问题(BIP问题),并提出了一种新的基于该问题的Diffie-Hellman类型加密方案。最近,Ikematsu等人提出了一种称为线性堆栈攻击的攻击,以恢复Santoso加密方案的等效密钥。虽然这种攻击降低了方案的安全性,但它无助于解决BIPC问题本身。在本文中,我们描述了如何通过简化循环矩阵的共轭特性导致的BIPC问题来直接解决BIPC问题。事实上,我们实验性地解决了该参数的 BIPC 问题,该参数通过 Santoso 的安全分析具有 256 位的安全性,并且针对线性堆栈攻击具有 72.7 位的安全性,大约需要 10 分钟。




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