首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cognitive neuroscience >Associations among Household and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantages, Resting-state Frontoamygdala Connectivity, and Internalizing Symptoms in Youth

Associations among Household and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantages, Resting-state Frontoamygdala Connectivity, and Internalizing Symptoms in Youth


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Exposure to socioeconomic disadvantages (SED) can havenegative impacts on mental health, yet SED are a multifacetedconstruct and the precise processes by which SED confer deleteriouseffects are less clear. Using a large and diverse sample ofpreadolescents (ages 9–10 years at baseline, n = 4038, 49female) from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentStudy, we examined associations among SED at both household(i.e., income–needs and material hardship) and neighborhood(i.e., area deprivation and neighborhood unsafety) levels,frontoamygdala resting-state functional connectivity, and internalizingsymptoms at baseline and 1-year follow-up. SED werepositively associated with internalizing symptoms at baselineand indirectly predicted symptoms 1 year later through elevatedsymptoms at baseline. At the household level, youth inhouseholds characterized by higher disadvantage (i.e., lowerincome-to-needs ratio) exhibited more strongly negativefrontoamygdala coupling, particularly between the bilateralamygdala and medial OFC (mOFC) regions within the frontoparietalnetwork. Although more strongly positive amygdala–mOFC coupling was associated with higher levels of internalizingsymptoms at baseline and 1-year follow-up, it did not mediate theassociation between income-to-needs ratio and internalizingsymptoms. However, at the neighborhood level, amygdala–mOFC functional coupling moderated the effect of neighborhooddeprivation on internalizing symptoms. Specifically,higher neighborhood deprivation was associated with higherinternalizing symptoms for youth with more strongly positiveconnectivity, but not for youth with more strongly negative connectivity,suggesting a potential buffering effect. Findings highlightthe importance of capturing multilevel socioecologicalcontexts in which youth develop to identify youth who are mostlikely to benefit from early interventions.
机译:暴露于社会经济劣势 (SED) 会对心理健康产生负面影响,但 SED 是一个多方面的结构,SED 产生有害影响的确切过程尚不清楚。使用来自青少年大脑认知发展研究的大量不同的青春期前儿童(基线年龄为 9-10 岁,n = 4038,49% 为女性)样本,我们检查了 SED 在家庭(即收入需求和物质困难)和邻里(即区域剥夺和邻里不安全)水平、额杏仁核静息态功能连接以及基线和 1 年随访时的内化症状之间的关联。SED 与基线时症状内化呈正相关,并通过基线时症状加重间接预测 1 年后的症状。在家庭层面,以较高劣势(即收入与需求比较低)为特征的家庭中的青年表现出更强烈的负额杏仁核耦合,特别是在额顶叶网络内的双侧杏仁核和内侧OFC(mOFC)区域之间。尽管更强的杏仁核-mOFC偶联与基线和1年随访时更高水平的内化症状相关,但它并未介导收入需求比与内化症状之间的关联。然而,在邻里水平上,杏仁核-mOFC功能耦合调节了邻里剥夺对内化症状的影响。具体来说,对于具有更强正连接性的青年,较高的邻里剥夺与较高的内化症状相关,但对于具有更强负连接性的青年则无关,这表明具有潜在的缓冲作用。研究结果强调了捕捉青年发展的多层次社会生态背景的重要性,以确定最有可能从早期干预中受益的青年。




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