首页> 外文期刊>Acta Palaeontologica Polonica >A new genus of chemosymbiotic vesicomyid bivalves from the Oligocene of western North America

A new genus of chemosymbiotic vesicomyid bivalves from the Oligocene of western North America


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We describe a new genus of the chemosymbiotic bivalve family Vesicomyidae, Squiresica, for two Oligocene species, previously assigned to Arrhivesica, from western North America. Squiresica is characterized by a small and weakly inflated shell, a small to nearly absent pallial sinus, an Archivesica-like hinge dentition, with an indistinct to well incised lunular incision. Two species are assigned to this new genus: the type species, S. knapptonensis from western Washington State, USA, and S. marincovichi from Oligocene strata of Alaska, USA. Squiresica knapptonensis had previously been described from the upper Oligocene of the Lincoln Creek Formation; further specimens are here reported from a newly discovered seep deposit in the lower Oligocene part of the Lincoln Creek Formation.
机译:我们描述了化学共生双壳类科Vesicomyidae的一个新属,Squiresica,用于两个渐新世物种,以前被分配给来自北美西部的Arrhivesica。Squiresica 的特征是小而弱膨胀的外壳,小到几乎不存在的苍白窦,类似 Archivesica 的铰链牙列,月状切口模糊不清。该新属分为两个物种:类型物种,来自美国华盛顿州西部的 S. knapptonensis 和美国阿拉斯加渐新世地层的 S. marincovichi。Squiresica knapptonensis以前曾被描述在Lincoln Creek组的上渐新世;这里报告了更多标本,这些标本来自林肯溪组下渐新世部分新发现的渗漏矿床。




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