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Two-Step Photoalignment with High Resolution for the Alignment of Blue Phase Liquid Crystal


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The self-assembling properties of liquid crystal (LC) are ideal for realizingswitchable optical components. The director organization is strongly determinedby the alignment at the substrate interfaces and photoalignment is aversatile method based on linearly polarized UV light. In this work, a twostepphotoalignment procedure is proposed to pattern the alignment at thesurface. Illumination with uniform polarization or with an interference patternis combined to obtain stripe patterns or square patterns of photoalignment.It can indeed be confirmed that the nematic director follows the varyingazimuthal orientation. By increasing the angle between the two interferingbeams, photoalignment with sub-micrometer resolution is obtained, compatiblewith the dimensions of blue phase (BP) LC unit cell. Homogeneousdomains of BP II with (100) or (110) crystal orientation are obtained and theirKossel patterns are recorded. The two-step photoalignment technique allowsto create patterns with high resolution and to control the orientation of BPLC, which is promising for photonic applications that require single domains.
机译:液晶 (LC) 的自组装特性非常适合实现可切换的光学元件。导向器组织很大程度上取决于基板界面处的取向,光取向是一种基于线偏振紫外光的通用方法。在这项工作中,提出了一种两步光取向程序来图案化表面的取向。将具有均匀偏振或干涉图案的照明组合在一起,以获得光取向的条纹图案或方形图案。确实可以确认,向列导向器遵循不同的方位角方向。通过增加两个干扰光束之间的角度,获得了亚微米分辨率的光取向,与蓝相(BP)LC晶胞的尺寸兼容。获得具有(100)或(110)晶体取向的BP II的均匀结构域,并记录其Kossel模式。两步光取向技术可以创建高分辨率的图案并控制BP LC的方向,这对于需要单畴的光子应用很有希望。




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