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Molecular characterization of zoonotic anisakid Contracaecum spp. larvae in some fish species from Lake Nasser, Egypt


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Abstract Infections with zoonotic anisakid nematode larvae Contracaecum spp. were detected in five fish species from Lake Nasser, Egypt: three tilapia species (Oreochromis niloticus, Sarotherodon galilaeus and Tilapia zillii) and two catfish species (Malapterurus electricus and Heterobranchus bidorsalis). Severely infected fish displayed general body emaciation and distended abdomen. The overall prevalence of infection was 30 (tilapia species 24.17 and catfish 41.67). The larvae were morphologically identified as third stage larvae of Contracaecum. The internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS‐1 and ITS‐2) were used for molecular characterization, resulting in the submission of six new sequences to the GenBank database and confirming that the present larvae were members of the C. multipapillatum complex (C. multipapillatum and C. quadripapillatum). The phylogenetic analysis corroborated the molecular results and demonstrated Contracacum's polyphyletic nature. The larvae aggressively bore into the heart ventricle of tilapia species (Heartworm Disease), causing severe pathological changes such as myocardial fibre atrophy, interstitial haemorrhage, pericarditis with eosinophilic granular cells infiltration and intravascular thrombosis, and impairing heart function, whereas in catfish, the larvae encapsulated in the abdominal cavity and caused little harm. As a result, they are the causative agent of Heartworm Disease.
机译:摘要 在埃及纳赛尔湖的5种鱼类中检测到人畜共患异形线虫幼虫Contracaecum spp.的感染:3种罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus、Sarotherodon galilaeus和Tilapia zillii)和2种鲶鱼(Malapterurus electricus和Heterobranchus bidorsalis)。严重感染的鱼表现出全身消瘦和腹部膨胀。总感染率为30%(罗非鱼为24.17%,鲶鱼为41.67%)。幼虫在形态学上被鉴定为Contracaecum的第三阶段幼虫。核核糖体 DNA 的内部转录间隔序列(ITS-1 和 ITS-2)用于分子表征,从而向 GenBank 数据库提交了六个新序列,并确认目前的幼虫是 C. multipapillatum 复合体(C. multipapillatum 和 C. quadripapillatum)的成员。系统发育分析证实了分子结果,并证明了Contracacum的多系性质。幼虫侵入罗非鱼(心丝虫病)的心室,引起心肌纤维萎缩、间质性出血、心包炎伴嗜酸性粒细胞浸润、血管内血栓形成等严重病理变化,损害心脏功能,而鲶鱼幼虫包裹在腹腔内,危害不大。因此,它们是心丝虫病的病原体。




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