首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Weed seedbank dynamics: Estimation and management in groundnut

Weed seedbank dynamics: Estimation and management in groundnut


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Effective weed management necessitates sound knowledge of weed seedbank dynamics. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. The main plots have three residue management treatments and sub-plots comprised seven weed management treatments. Results revealed that highest pod yield (1.47 t/ha) was recorded under wheat residue incorporation fb soil solarization. Among weed management, the highest pod yield (1.68 t/ha) and haulm yield (3.35 t/ha) was recorded with weed free and unweeded check registered lowest pod yield (722 kg/ha). The lowest dry weight of weeds was obtained under wheat residue incorporation fb soil solarization and weed free. Wheat residue incorporation fb soil solarization depleted correspondingly 54 (25.32), 10 (5.29) and 32 (16.16) seeds per core from the initial weed seedbank in 2014, 2015 and pooled results, respectively. The highest seedbank depletion was observed with weed free by depletion of 147 (68.37), 123 (68.20) and 135 (68.29) weed seeds per core. Pendimethalin 900 g/ha as pre-emergence fb IC and HW at 45 DAS depleted 129 (59.84), 103 (57.09) and 116 (58.59) weed seeds per core. Pendimethalin 900 g/ha as pre-emergence fb pre-mix imazethapyr + imazamox 70 g/ha as post-emergence at 25 DAS depleted 126 (58.40), 101 (55.86) and 113 (57.24) weed seeds per core and suicidal germination fb killing the weed flush by subsequent tillage fb IC and HW at 45 DAS depleted 116 (53.85), 86 (47.64) and 101 (51.01) weed seeds per core in 2014, 2015 and pooled results, respectively as compared to the initial weed seedbank. While, unweeded check resulted in to addition of 609 (283.31), 695 (384.16) and 652 (329.41) weed seeds per core sample (15 cm depth and 4 cm diameter) in the soil weedseedbank in comparison to initial weed seedbank.
机译:有效的杂草管理需要对杂草种子库动态的充分了解。实验采用分样地设计,重复3次。主地块有3个残留物管理处理,子地块有7个杂草管理处理。结果表明,小麦秸秆还田日晒时豆荚产量最高(1.47 t/hm2)。在杂草管理中,豆荚产量最高(1.68吨/公顷)和秸秆产量(3.35吨/公顷),无杂草和未除草检查的豆荚产量最低(722公斤/公顷)。小麦秸秆掺入、土壤日晒和无杂草处理的杂草干重最低。2014年、2015年和合并结果分别对初杂草种子库和合并结果分别消耗了54粒(25.32%)、10粒(5.29%)和32粒(16.16%)粒种子。无杂草种子消耗率最高,每芯杂草种子消耗量分别为147粒(68.37%)、123粒(68.20%)和135粒(68.29%)。二甲戊灵900 g/hm2作为出苗前fb IC和HW,每核消耗129粒(59.84%)、103粒(57.09%)和116粒(58.59%)杂草种子。二甲戊灵 900 g/ha 作为出苗前 fb 预混 imazethapyr + imazamox 70 g/ha 作为出苗后,在 25 DAS 耗尽 126 (58.40%)、101 (55.86%) 和 113 (57.24%) 杂草种子,自杀萌发 fb 通过后续耕作杀死杂草冲洗 fb IC 和 HW 在 45 DAS 耗尽 116 (53.85%)、86 (47.64%) 和 101 (51.2014 年、2015 年和 2015 年每个核心的杂草种子数分别为 01%),与初始杂草种子库相比。与初始杂草种子库相比,未除草检查结果显示,土壤杂草种子库中每个核心样品(深度15 cm,直径4 cm)分别添加609株(283.31%)、695株(384.16%)和652株(329.41%)杂草种子。




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