首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >The Northernmost record of the goose genus Chloephaga (Eyton, 1838) (Aves, Anatidae) and its biogeographical implications

The Northernmost record of the goose genus Chloephaga (Eyton, 1838) (Aves, Anatidae) and its biogeographical implications


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The aim of the present contribution is to describe a partial coracoid (CTES-PZ 7797) coming from Upper Pleistocene Toropi/Yupoi Formation, in Corrientes province, Argentina. The comparative anatomical analysis indicates that it belongs to an indeterminate species of the goose genus Chloephaga, but sharing some characters with the living C. picta. Today, members of this genus breed in Southern Patagonia and migrate to southern Buenos Aires province during the winter season, being its northernmost record 700 km far south from the fossil specimen here reported. The presence of Chloephaga farther north from its current geographical distribution is congruent with the presence in Upper Pleistocene outcrops in the area of mammals that are adapted to arid environments. This constitutes another taxon recorded at Arroyo Toropi that currently presents a different geographic distribution, such as observed in Leopardus pardalis, Chaetophractus villosus, Boa constrictor, Dolichotis patagonica, among other, and shed light on the complex palaeobiogeographic scenario that could have developed during the MIS 5 in the Mesopotamian region of Argentina.
机译:本文稿的目的是描述来自阿根廷科连特斯省上更新世Toropi/Yupoi组的部分喙状体(CTES-PZ 7797)。比较解剖学分析表明,它属于鹅属Chloephaga的不确定物种,但与现存的C. picta有一些共同的特征。今天,该属的成员在巴塔哥尼亚南部繁殖,并在冬季迁徙到布宜诺斯艾利斯省南部,这是其最北端的记录,距离这里报道的化石标本以南700公里。Chloephaga的存在与其目前地理分布更北的地方,与适应干旱环境的哺乳动物地区的上更新世露头的存在是一致的。这构成了在阿罗约·托罗皮(Arroyo Toropi)记录的另一个分类单元,该分类单元目前呈现出不同的地理分布,例如在Leopardus pardalis,Chaetophractus villosus,Boa conacroutor,Dolichotis patagonica等中观察到,并揭示了阿根廷美索不达米亚地区MIS 5期间可能形成的复杂的古生物地理情景。




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