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The Life of the DBKA General Secretary


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What is the typical life of the DBKA Gen Sec? Well, the Gen Sec does far more than just send out agendas and take minutes. In fact that is the least attractive part of the role!The first priority for the Gen Sec is to promote and support the DBKA and its members in achieving its aims and objectives. He or she is the DBKA point of contact for the Charity Commission, the Information Commissioner's Office, BBKA, and more. The keyresponsibility is the Association's Governance, which, if not up-to-date and correct, risks sanction from the Charity Commission. So, it's important to keep the Association 'straight' and the Officers and Delegates in-line. Yes, they can be unruly at times! The Gen See's interpretation and advice on all aspects of the DBKA Governing Document is vital. DBKA is an Unincorporated Organisation where the Trustees are personally liable for what it does and it can't undertake legal matters in its own name. That is why the Gen Sec is one of two Holding Trustees to act on the Association's behalf; Viv touches on this in her Buzz Word this month.
机译:DBKA Gen Sec 的典型寿命是多少?好吧,Gen Sec 所做的远不止是发送议程和记录会议记录。事实上,这是这个角色最不吸引人的部分!Gen Sec的首要任务是促进和支持DBKA及其成员实现其宗旨和目标。他或她是慈善委员会、信息专员办公室、BBKA 等的 DBKA 联络点。关键责任是协会的治理,如果不能及时和正确,就有可能受到慈善委员会的制裁。因此,保持协会的“直截了当”以及官员和代表的一致性非常重要。是的,他们有时会不守规矩!Gen See对DBKA管理文件的各个方面的解释和建议至关重要。DBKA是一个非法人组织,受托人对其行为承担个人责任,不能以自己的名义承担法律事务。这就是为什么Gen Sec是代表协会行事的两个控股受托人之一;薇薇在本月的流行语中谈到了这一点。




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