首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >A first inference of the phylogeography of the worldwide invader Xylosandrus compactus

A first inference of the phylogeography of the worldwide invader Xylosandrus compactus

机译:全球入侵者Xylosandrus compactus系统地理学的首次推论

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Native to Southeastern Asia, the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus is invasive worldwide. Its invasion is favoured by its cryptic lifestyle, symbiosis with a fungus that facilitates a broad range of host plants, and predominant sib-mating reproduction. X. compactus invaded Africa more than a century ago and the Americas and Pacific Islands in the middle of the twentieth century. It was not detected in Europe before 2011, when it was first reported in Italy before quickly spreading to France, Greece and Spain. Despite the negative environmental, agricultural and economic consequences of the invasion of X. compactus, its invasion history and main pathways remain poorly documented. We used COI and RAD sequencing to (i) characterise the worldwide genetic structure of the species, (ii) disentangle the origin(s) of the non-native populations on the three invaded continents and (iii) analyse the genetic diversity and pathways within each invaded region. Three mitochondrial lineages were identified in the native range. Populations invading Europe and the American-Pacific region originated from the first lineage and were only slightly genetically differentiated at nuclear SNP markers, suggesting independent introductions from close sources in or near Shanghai, ca. 60 years apart. Populations invading Africa originated from the second lineage, likely from India or Vietnam.
机译:原产于东南亚的安布罗西亚甲虫Xylosandrus compactus在世界范围内具有入侵性。它的入侵得益于其神秘的生活方式、与促进广泛寄主植物的真菌共生以及主要的同胞交配繁殖。X. compactus在一个多世纪前入侵非洲,并在20世纪中叶入侵美洲和太平洋岛屿。在2011年之前,它在欧洲没有被发现,当时它在意大利首次被报道,然后迅速传播到法国,希腊和西班牙。尽管X. compactus的入侵对环境、农业和经济造成了负面影响,但其入侵历史和主要途径仍然很少被记录下来。我们使用COI和RAD测序来(i)表征该物种的全球遗传结构,(ii)解开三个入侵大陆上非本地种群的起源,以及(iii)分析每个入侵区域内的遗传多样性和途径。在天然范围内鉴定出三个线粒体谱系。入侵欧洲和美洲太平洋地区的种群起源于第一谱系,在核SNP标记上仅略有遗传分化,这表明从上海或附近的近源独立引入,相隔约60年。入侵非洲的种群起源于第二种血统,可能来自印度或越南。




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