首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Physics >A snapshot of domain evolution between topological vortex and stripe in ferroelectric hexagonal ErMnO3

A snapshot of domain evolution between topological vortex and stripe in ferroelectric hexagonal ErMnO3


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Hexagonal manganites exhibit three distinct domain patterns: stripe, loop, and vortex. Due to the high ferroelectric phase transition temperature and the lack of reliable visualization methods, it is still a mystery about the evolution and the formation of vortex networks. In this study, we managed to capture the coexistence of vortices, loops, and stripes by accurately controlling the annealing temperature right at Tc. We proposed a merging process between the V–AV pair and the stripe, which result in two different forms of vortex networks, namely, the normal vortex and the zigzag vortex. In addition, the connection between the density of stripes and the orientation of V–AV pairs is analyzed, which are both influenced by self-straining of the crystal. The mystery of evolution of the vortex network is unveiled by capturing the snapshot, and the experimental database provided calls for more analysis to understand the evolution of different domain topologies.
机译:六方锰矿表现出三种不同的域模式:条纹、环形和涡状。由于铁电相变温度高,缺乏可靠的可视化方法,涡旋网络的演化和形成至今仍是一个谜。在这项研究中,我们通过精确控制 Tc 处的退火温度,成功地捕捉到了涡流、环路和条纹的共存。我们提出了V-AV对和条纹之间的合并过程,这导致了两种不同形式的涡旋网络,即正常涡旋和锯齿形涡旋。此外,还分析了条纹密度与V-AV对取向之间的联系,这两者都受到晶体自应变的影响。通过捕获快照揭开了涡旋网络演化的奥秘,实验数据库提供了更多的分析,以了解不同域拓扑的演化。




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