首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering >Toward a New Mathematical Definition of Datums in Standards to Support Advanced Manufacturing

Toward a New Mathematical Definition of Datums in Standards to Support Advanced Manufacturing


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Recent advances in the digitization of manufacturing have prompted ASME and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards committees to reexamine the definition of datums. Any new definition of datums considered by the standards committees should cover all datum feature types used in design and support both traditional metrological methods and new digital measurement techniques. This is a challenging task that requires some careful compromise. This paper describes and analyzes various alternatives considered by the standards committees. Among them is a new mathematical definition of datums based on constrained least-squares fitting. It seems to provide the best compromise and has the potential to support advanced manufacturing that is increasingly dependent on digital technologies.
机译:制造业数字化的最新进展促使 ASME 和国际标准化组织 (ISO) 标准委员会重新审视基准的定义。标准委员会考虑的任何新的基准定义都应涵盖设计中使用的所有基准特征类型,并支持传统的计量方法和新的数字测量技术。这是一项具有挑战性的任务,需要一些谨慎的妥协。本文描述并分析了标准委员会考虑的各种替代方案。其中包括基于约束最小二乘拟合的基准面的新数学定义。它似乎提供了最好的折衷方案,并有可能支持越来越依赖数字技术的先进制造业。




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