
Research on frog-inspired swimming robot driven by pneumatic muscles


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This article designs a frog-inspired swimming robot based on pneumatic muscles. The musculoskeletal characteristics of the frog are refined and used as the basis for the design of the robot joint structure and movement mode. The posture adjustment module, joint water seal, and power system are designed to meet the robot's motion requirements, and the structure optimization design of the robot is completed by combining simulation analysis. The body length of the robot is about 710 mm, and the overall mass is 10 kg. Combining the structural characteristics of the robot, the control system is built to realize the frog-like motion. The robot's propulsion speed is about 0.6 m/s, the propulsion distance reaches 2.4 m, the turning angle is 30 degrees, and the turning radius is 0.6 m. The prototype experiment verifies the rationality of the frog-inspired swimming robot structure design and the reliability of the control system and water seal.
机译:本文设计了一个基于气动肌肉的青蛙式游泳机器人。青蛙的肌肉骨骼特征被提炼出来,并作为设计机器人关节结构和运动模式的基础。设计了姿态调整模块、关节水封、动力系统,满足机器人的运动需求,结合仿真分析完成机器人的结构优化设计。机器人的机身长度约为710毫米,总质量为10公斤。结合机器人的结构特点,构建控制系统,实现青蛙式运动。机器人的推进速度约为0.6 m/s,推进距离达到2.4 m,转弯角度为30度,转弯半径为0.6 m。样机实验验证了青蛙式游泳机器人结构设计的合理性以及控制系统和水封的可靠性。




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