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Integration and Optimization of British and American Literature Information Resources in the Distributed Cloud Computing Environment


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One of the most effective approaches to improve resource usage efficiency and degree of resource collecting is to integrate resources. Many studies on the integration of information resources are also available. The search engines are the most well-known. At the same time, this article intends to optimize the integration of British and American literature information resources by employing distributed cloud computing, based on the needs of British and American literature. This research develops a model for the dispersed nature of cloud computing. It optimizes the method by fitting the mathematical model of transmission cost and latency. This article analyzes the weaknesses of the current British and American literature information resource integration and optimizes them for the integration of British and American literature resources. The Random algorithm has the longest delay, according to the results of this paper's experiments (maximum user weighted distance). The algorithms NPA-PDP and BWF have longer delays than the algorithm Opt. The percentage decline varies between 0.17 percent and 1.11 percent for different algorithms. It demonstrates that the algorithm presented in this work can be used to integrate and maximize information resources from English and American literature.
机译:整合资源是提高资源利用效率和资源收集程度的最有效途径之一。关于信息资源整合的研究也很多。搜索引擎是最著名的。同时,本文拟基于英美文学需求,采用分布式云计算,优化英美文学信息资源的整合。本研究为云计算的分散性开发了一个模型。该方法通过拟合传输成本和时延的数学模型来优化该方法。本文分析了当前英美文学信息资源整合的不足,并针对英美文学资源整合进行了优化。根据本文的实验结果,随机算法具有最长的延迟(最大用户加权距离)。算法 NPA-PDP 和 BWF 的延迟比算法 Opt 长。不同算法的下降百分比在 0.17% 到 1.11% 之间变化。它表明,本文提出的算法可用于整合和最大化英美文学中的信息资源。




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