首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems >Optimal Fault Tolerant Error Governor for PID Controllers

Optimal Fault Tolerant Error Governor for PID Controllers


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The Error Governor (EG) paradigm considers the issue of dynamically changing the error which drives a feedback controller featured by bounded control action magnitude to prevent the actuators' saturation and to avoid the slow wind-up effects due to integrator or slow dynamics. Fault Tolerant (FT) policies are control methods permitting to mitigate the effect of faults occurring on driven actuators by modifying the structure of the controller which provides the reference signal for such actuators. In this paper, a FT policy based on an optimal EG approach is proposed. The policy, termed Fault-Tolerant Error Governor (FT-EG), permits to introduce a FT action in a closed-loop system driven by PID controllers neglecting changes in the controller structure and, further, the wind-up issue given by nominal actuator saturation. The FT-EG is based on the solution of a constrained optimization problem and a computationally efficient version of the algorithm is presented. An analysis of control performance and the computational burden is provided, comparing in simulation studies the optimal FT-EG scheme performance with respect to control results provided by the baseline EG policy and saturated PID controller in the fault-free and the faulty scenario.
机译:误差调控器(EG)范式考虑了动态改变误差的问题,该误差驱动反馈控制器,其特点是具有有界控制作用幅度,以防止执行器饱和,并避免由于积分器或慢动态引起的慢速上弦效应。容错 (FT) 策略是一种控制方法,允许通过修改控制器的结构来减轻故障对驱动执行器的影响,控制器为此类执行器提供参考信号。该文提出一种基于最优EG方法的FT策略。该策略称为容错误差调控器(FT-EG),允许在由PID控制器驱动的闭环系统中引入FT动作,忽略控制器结构的变化,并进一步忽略标称执行器饱和引起的缠绕问题。FT-EG基于约束优化问题的求解,并提出了该算法的计算效率版本。对控制性能和计算负荷进行了分析,在仿真研究中比较了在无故障和故障场景下,基线EG策略和饱和PID控制器提供的控制结果的最优FT-EG方案性能。




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