
Cosmos for the curious


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It is through reaching an understanding of the universe that we reach a better understanding of our home planet, says author Jillian Scudder. To do that we need better telescopes, rockets and robotic exploration vehicles. Without these technologies we simply can't push back the knowledge frontier. "I THINK THAT people in general need to know more about space," says Dr Jillian Scudder. "But then again, I'm a little bit biased." Scudder, whose new book Astroquizzical' sets out to impart that knowledge, has gained this bias by being an astrophysicist and assistant professor at Oberlin College, Ohio. And yet, despite being heavily involved in academic research that she admits is 'extremely technical', her excellent debut book is all about making complex concepts, if not exactly easy to understand, then at least a little easier to grasp.
机译:正是通过对宇宙的理解,我们才能更好地了解我们的家园星球,作者吉利安·斯卡德(Jillian Scudder)说。要做到这一点,我们需要更好的望远镜、火箭和机器人探索车。没有这些技术,我们根本无法推动知识前沿的发展。“我认为一般人需要更多地了解太空,”Jillian Scudder博士说。“但话又说回来,我有点偏见。”Scudder的新书《Astroquizzical》旨在传授这些知识,他通过担任天体物理学家和俄亥俄州欧柏林学院的助理教授而获得了这种偏见。然而,尽管她大量参与学术研究,她承认这是“非常技术性的”,但她出色的处女作都是关于制造复杂的概念,如果不是完全容易理解,那么至少更容易掌握。




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