首页> 外文期刊>Geometry & Topology >Quot schemes of curves and surfaces: virtual classes, integrals, Euler characteristics

Quot schemes of curves and surfaces: virtual classes, integrals, Euler characteristics

机译:曲线和曲面的 Quot 方案:虚类、积分、欧拉特性



We compute tautological integrals over Quot schemes on curves and surfaces. After obtaining several explicit formulas over Quot schemes of dimension-0 quotients on curves (and finding a new symmetry), we apply the results to tautological integrals against the virtual fundamental classes of Quot schemes of dimension 0 and 1 quotients on surfaces (using also universality, torus localization and cosection localization). The virtual Euler characteristics of Quot schemes of surfaces, a new theory parallel to the Vafa-Witten Euler characteristics of the moduli of bundles, is defined and studied. Complete formulas for the virtual Euler characteristics are found in the case of dimension-0 quotients on surfaces. Dimension-1 quotients are studied on K3 surfaces and surfaces of general type, with connections to the Kawai-Yoshioka formula and the Seiberg-Witten invariants, respectively. The dimension-1 theory is completely solved for minimal surfaces of general type admitting a nonsingular canonical curve. Along the way, we find a new connection between weighted tree counting and multivariate Fuss-Catalan numbers, which is of independent interest.
机译:我们在曲线和曲面上计算 Quot 方案的同义积分。在曲线上获得了 0 维商的 Quot 方案的几个显式公式(并找到了新的对称性)之后,我们将结果应用于面上 0 维和 1 商的 Quot 方案的虚拟基本类的同义积分(也使用普遍性、环面定位和共截面定位)。定义并研究了曲面Quot方案的虚拟欧拉特性,这是一种与丛模量的Vafa-Witten欧拉特性平行的新理论。在曲面上的维数 0 商的情况下,可以找到虚拟欧拉特性的完整公式。在K3曲面和一般曲面上研究了维数-1商,并分别与Kawai-Yoshioka公式和Seiberg-Witten不变量有关。维数 1 理论完全求解为允许非奇异规范曲线的一般类型的最小曲面。在此过程中,我们发现加权树计数和多变量 Fuss-Catalan 数字之间存在新的联系,这是独立感兴趣的。




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