首页> 外文期刊>Acta Palaeontologica Polonica >A new species of rust fungi from the fiddle Eocene Sakhalinian amber

A new species of rust fungi from the fiddle Eocene Sakhalinian amber


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Nyssopsora eocuenica Tykhonenko and Hayova sp. nov., the only fossil species of the genus Nyssopsora (Pucciniales), is described from the middle Eocene Sakhalinian amber (Russian Far East). It differs from the other known representatives of the genus by the presence of unbranched hooked appendages on the surface of teliospores. The spores arc embedded in the amber sample in close proximity to a syninclusion, Heterotrissocladius naibuchi (Diptera, Chironomidae); most of them are clinged to the insect's wing or entangled in the bristles on its legs and body. This fossil is ca. 45 myr old and provides useful information for future phylogeny-based calibration and dating of the rust fungi.
机译:Nyssopsora eocuenica Tykhonenko 和 Hayova sp. nov. 是 Nyssopsora 属 (Pucciniales) 的唯一化石物种,描述于始新世中期萨哈林琥珀(俄罗斯远东地区)。它与该属的其他已知代表的不同之处在于端孢子表面存在未分枝的钩状附属物。孢子弧形嵌入琥珀样品中,靠近合体 Heterotrissocladius naibuchi(双翅目,Chironomidae);它们中的大多数紧贴在昆虫的翅膀上或缠绕在昆虫腿和身体上的刚毛中。这块化石大约有45英里的历史,为未来基于系统发育的锈菌校准和年代测定提供了有用的信息。




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