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Regulating Na Occupation in P2-Type Layered Oxide Cathode for All-Climate Sodium-Ion Batteries


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P2-type Na_2/3Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2 (NNMO) has been investigated as one of thepromising cathode materials of sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) due to a low-costand wide-temperature-range adaptability. However, its application faces anumber of obstacles because of the poor cycling stability and bad rate capabilities.Herein, by accommodating more Na-ions at the e-site (Na_e) in P2-typeNNMO, which is thermodynamically more stable, P2-type layered oxides(Na_e/Na_f > 1.64) with outstanding electrochemical performance are obtained.Specifically, the Na_(0.696)Ni_(0.329)Mn_(0.671)O_2 (NM-2) exhibits a remarkable capacityretention of 71.9 after 1000 cycles at 1C and an excellent rate capability of54.33 mAh g~(?1) at 50C. In addition, NM-2 exhibits a wide temperature workingrange, even at extreme temperatures for batteries (?30 or 60 ℃), it still showsa capacity close to room temperature and good cycle stability comparedwith 25 ℃. These performances are demonstrated to be attributed to thefast kinetics of the Na ions in the Na_e site, which has a lower energy barriercompared to Naf (0.8301 eV for edge sites and 1.0664 eV for face sites). Thiswork gives a fundamental understanding of the Na-storage mechanism inNa_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2, and also provides a universal strategy to improve the rateand cycling life of P2-type layered oxide cathode materials.
机译:P2型Na_2/3Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2(NNMO)具有低成本和宽温度范围的适应性,是钠离子电池(SIBs)的正极材料之一。然而,由于循环稳定性差和速率能力差,其应用面临许多障碍。本文通过在热力学更稳定的P2型NNMO的e位点(Na_e)容纳更多的Na离子,获得了具有突出电化学性能的P2型层状氧化物(Na_e/Na_f > 1.64)。具体而言,Na_(0.696)Ni_(0.329)Mn_(0.671)O_2(NM-2)在1C下循环1000次后表现出71.9%的显著容量保持率,在50C下表现出54.33 mAh g~(?1)的优异倍率能力。此外,NM-2 具有较宽的工作温度范围,即使在电池的极端温度下(-30 或 60 °C),与 25 °C 相比,它仍然显示出接近室温的容量和良好的循环稳定性。这些性能被证明归因于Na_e位点中钠离子的快速动力学,与Naf相比,Na离子具有更低的能垒(边缘位点为0.8301 eV,面位点为1.0664 eV)。本工作对Na_(2/3)Ni_(1/3)Mn_(2/3)O_2中的Na储存机理有了基本的了解,并为提高P2型层状氧化物正极材料的倍率和循环寿命提供了通用策略。




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