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Evolution of the Chinese industrial structure: A social network perspective


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? 2022 Elsevier Inc.From a social network perspective, an industrial system can be regarded as an industrial network formed by industries as nodes and associations as edges. Based on this, this research constructed an industrial network model that converts the purely numerical coefficient measurement of industrial structure evolution into a structural feature comparison on an industrial network graph. Based on China's input–output data from 2007, 2012, and 2017, this research constructed an industrial network, analyzed the overall structure and individual characteristics of the industrial network, and further explored the economic meaning of each network indicator. The indicators of the overall scale of the Chinese industrial network showed a continuous growth trend, indicating that the association structure between industries has increased in complexity. For all kinds of industries, manufacturing industries and a few service industries significantly influence the overall industrial network. The supporting role of capital-intensive industries has become increasingly prominent. Gradually, the industrial grouping pattern tended to be balanced, and the self-organization within the subgroups continued to increase. Compared to the research paradigm of an industrial structure based on an input–output model, research on industrial structures based on an industrial network model can explore the information of industrial network structures by analyzing the differences in the positions and roles of specific industries in the industrial network and adding a new influencing factor to explain the differences in the development of various industries. This research shows that the industrial network can provide important technical support for transforming and upgrading the industrial economy as well as promote the healthy and sustainable development of the national economy.
机译:?2022 Elsevier Inc.从社会网络的角度来看,产业体系可以看作是以产业为节点、以关联为边缘形成的产业网络。基于此,本研究构建了工业网络模型,将工业结构演化的纯数值系数测度转化为工业网络图上的结构特征比较。本文基于2007年、2012年和2017年中国投入产出数据,构建了产业网络,分析了产业网络的整体结构和个体特征,进一步探讨了各网络指标的经济意义。中国产业网络整体规模指标呈现持续增长态势,表明产业间关联结构复杂化程度有所提高。对于各行各业,制造业和少数服务业对整个工业网络有重大影响。资本密集型产业的支撑作用日益凸显。产业分组格局逐渐趋于平衡,子组内部的自组织能力持续增强。相较于基于投入产出模型的产业结构研究范式,基于产业网络模型的产业结构研究可以通过分析特定产业在产业网络中的地位和作用差异,并增加新的影响因素来解释各产业发展的差异,从而探索产业网络结构的信息。研究表明,产业网络可以为工业经济转型升级提供重要的技术支撑,促进国民经济健康可持续发展。




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