首页> 外文期刊>Nano letters >Tunable Tribovoltaic Effect via Metal-Insulator Transition

Tunable Tribovoltaic Effect via Metal-Insulator Transition


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Tribovoltaic direct-current (DC) nanogenerator made of dynamic semiconductor heterojunction is emerging as a promising mechanical energy harvesting technology. However, fundamental understanding of the mechano-electronic carrier excitation and transport at dynamic semiconductor interfaces remains to be investigated. Here, we demonstrated for the first time, that tribovoltaic DC effect can be tuned with metal -insulator transition (MIT). In a representative MIT material (vanadium dioxide, VO2), we found that the short-circuit current (ISC) can be enhanced by >20 times when the material is transformed from insulating to metallic state upon static or dynamic heating, while the open-circuit voltage (VOC) turns out to be unaffected. Such phenomenon may be understood by the Hubbard model for Mott insulator: orders' magnitude increase in conductivity is induced when the nearest hopping changes dramatically and overcomes the Coulomb repulsion, while the Coulomb repulsion giving rise to the quasi particle excitation energy remains relatively stable.




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