首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science >Discrimination of soil productivity and fertilizer-nitrogen use efficiency in the paddy field of subtropical China after 27 years different fertilizations

Discrimination of soil productivity and fertilizer-nitrogen use efficiency in the paddy field of subtropical China after 27 years different fertilizations


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To select optimal fertilization management for soil productivity and fertilizer-nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) improvement in rice fields, we conducted a microplot experiment by growing rice in soils from different long-term fertilizations with the same inorganic fertilizers. The NUE was accurately evaluated using N-15 labeled urea. The variations of the chemical compositions of soil organic carbon (SOC) under different long-term fertilizations were investigated by three-dimensional fluorescence measurement. The results indicated that the treatments containing organic materials could maintain high soil productivities and displayed higher NUE than inorganic treatments. Total phosphorus (TP) was the most important soil factor for soil productivity and the SOC content ranked second, whereas SOC content was the primary soil factor affecting NUE and TP ranked second. Applying organic materials also significantly changed the chemical compositions of SOC as compared with inorganic treatments. Besides the SOC content, the chemical compositions of SOC also affect the soil productivity and NUE. In summary, long-term balanced application of inorganic fertilizers and organic materials increased the quantity and changed the chemical composition of SOC, and thus maintained high soil productivity and NUE.
机译:为了选择最佳的施肥管理,以提高稻田土壤生产力和肥氮利用效率(NUE),我们进行了微图试验,在不同长期施肥的土壤中种植水稻,使用相同的无机肥料。使用 N-15 标记的尿素准确评估 NUE。采用三维荧光法研究了不同长期施肥条件下土壤有机碳(SOC)化学成分的变化规律。结果表明,有机材料处理能保持较高的土壤生产力,且氮肥含量高于无机处理。全磷(TP)是影响土壤生产力的最重要因子,土壤有机碳含量排名第二,土壤有机碳含量是影响土壤氮肥的主要因子,土壤有机碳含量排名第二。与无机处理相比,施用有机材料也显著改变了有机碳的化学成分。除土壤有机碳含量外,土壤有机碳的化学成分还影响土壤生产力和氮肥。综上所述,长期均衡施用无机肥料和有机物,增加了土壤有机碳的用量,改变了土壤有机碳的化学成分,从而保持了较高的土壤生产力和氮肥利用率。



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