首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Water Resources Association >Assessment of the benefits of climate model weights for ensemble analysis in three urban precipitation frequency studies

Assessment of the benefits of climate model weights for ensemble analysis in three urban precipitation frequency studies


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In hydrology, projected climate change impact assessment studies typically rely onensembles of downscaled climate model outputs. Due to large modeling uncertainties,the ensembles are often averaged to provide a basis for studying the effects ofclimate change. A key issue when analyzing averages of a climate model ensemble iswhether to weight all models in the ensemble equally, often referred to as the equal-weightsor unweighted approach, or to use a weighted approach, where, in general,each model would have a different weight. Many studies have advocated for the latter,based on the assumption that models that are better at simulating the past, that is, themodels with higher hindcast accuracy, will give more accurate forecasts for the futureand thus should receive higher weights. To examine this issue, observed and modeleddaily precipitation frequency (PF) estimates for three urban areas in the UnitedStates, namely Boston, Massachusetts; Houston, Texas; and Chicago, Illinois, wereanalyzed. The comparison used the raw output of 24 Coupled Model IntercomparisonProject Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. The PFs from these models were compared withthe observed PFs for a specific historical training period to determine model weightsfor each area. The unweighted and weighted averaged model PFs from a more recenttesting period were then compared with their corresponding observed PFs to determineif weights improved the estimates. These comparisons indeed showed that theweighted averages were closer to the observed values than the unweighted averagesin nearly all cases. The study also demonstrated how weights can help reduce modelspread in future climate projections by comparing the unweighted and weighted ensemblestandard deviations in these projections. In all studied scenarios, the weightsactually reduced the standard deviations compared to the equal-weightsapproach.Finally, an analysis of the results' sensitivity to the areal reduction factor used to allowcomparisons between point station measurements and grid-boxaverages is provided.
机译:在水文学方面,预计的气候变化影响评估研究通常依赖于降尺度气候模型输出的集合。由于建模的不确定性很大,通常对集合进行平均,为研究气候变化的影响提供基础。在分析气候模式集合的平均值时,一个关键问题是是将集合中的所有模式平均加权(通常称为等权重或未加权方法),还是使用加权方法,其中每个模式通常具有不同的权重。许多研究都主张后者,基于这样的假设,即更善于模拟过去的模型,即具有更高后预精度的模型,将对未来做出更准确的预测,因此应该获得更高的权重。为了研究这个问题,对美国三个城市地区(即马萨诸塞州波士顿;德克萨斯州休斯顿;和伊利诺伊州芝加哥进行了分析。比较使用了 24 个耦合模型比较项目第 5 阶段 (CMIP5) 模型的原始输出。将这些模型的 PF 与特定历史训练期间观察到的 PF 进行比较,以确定每个区域的模型权重。然后将最近测试期间的未加权和加权平均模型 PF 与其相应的观测 PF 进行比较,以确定权重是否改善了估计值。这些比较确实表明,在几乎所有情况下,加权平均值都比未加权平均值更接近观测值。该研究还通过比较这些预测中的未加权和加权集合标准差,证明了权重如何帮助减少未来气候预测中的模式传播。在所有研究的场景中,与等权重方法相比,权重实际上降低了标准差。最后,分析了结果对用于比较点站测量值和网格盒平均值的面折减因子的敏感性。




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