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Integrating cultivation using a tine weeder with herbicides in conventional peanut production


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Research from the 1980s reported sweep cultivation being a cost-effective component in an integrated system to manage weeds in peanut. Previous weed management research conducted on organic peanut indicated that repeated cultivation with a tine weederwas an effective component in that production system. Studies were conducted in Tifton, GA, from 2014 through 2017 to determine whether tine weeding can be integrated with herbicides in conventional peanut production to supplement herbicides. Experiments evaluated a factorial arrangement of eight herbicide combinations and two levels of cultivation using a tine weeder. Herbicides were labeled rates of ethalfluralin PRE, S-metolachlor PRE, imazapic POST, ethalfluralin PRE + S-metolachlor PRE, ethalfluralin PRE + imazapic POST, S-metolachlor PRE + imazapic POST, ethalfluralin PRE + S-metolachlor PRE + imazapic POST, and a nontreated control. The herbicides chosen were based on knowledge of the weed species composition at the research sites and their common use in peanut. Cultivation regimes were cultivation with a tine weeder (six times at weekly intervals) and a noncultivated control. Benefits of tine weeding supplementing control from herbicides varied according to herbicide and weed species. For example, annual grasses were effectively controlled (88 to 97) by ethalfluralin or S-metolachlor and did not need cultivation to supplement control provided by the herbicides. However, imazapic alone did not effectively control (54 to 75) annual grassesand needed supplemental control from cultivation with the tine weeder. Similarly, imazapic effectively controlled (84 to 93) smallflower morningglory and did not require cultivation to supplement control from the herbicide. However, cultivation with the tine weeder improved smallflower morningglory control (76 to 95) when supplementing ethalfluralin or S-metolachlor. Peanut yields did not respond to any of the herbicide combinations integrated with cultivation using the tine weeder. During the timeperiod when peanut was cultivated, there was greater total rainfall and more days of rainfall events in 2014 and 2017 compared with the other years. Rainfall and wet soils reduced the performance and weed control benefits of the tine weeder. This highlights the risk of depending on cultivation for weed control.
机译:1980 年代的研究报告称,扫地栽培是管理花生杂草的综合系统中具有成本效益的组成部分。先前对有机花生进行的杂草管理研究表明,使用齿形除草机重复栽培是该生产系统中的有效组成部分。2014 年至 2017 年在佐治亚州蒂夫顿进行了研究,以确定是否可以在常规花生生产中将除草剂与除草剂相结合以补充除草剂。实验评估了八种除草剂组合和使用尖齿除草机的两个栽培水平的析因排列。除草剂的标注速率为依达脲醛素PRE、S-异丙甲草胺PRE、依扎吡啶POST、依达脲醛素PRE+异丙甲草胺PRE、依达脲醛素PRE+异丙甲草胺POST、S-异丙甲草胺PRE+异丙甲草胺PRE+异丙甲草胺POST和未处理的对照。选择的除草剂是基于对研究地点杂草物种组成的了解及其在花生中的常见用途。栽培方式是用尖齿除草机(每周六次)和非栽培对照进行栽培。除草剂除草补充控制的益处因除草剂和杂草种类而异。例如,一年生禾本科草被乙半脲醛素或硫丙甲草胺有效控制(88%至97%),不需要栽培来补充除草剂提供的控制。然而,单独使用imazapic并不能有效控制(54%至75%)一年生禾草,并且需要使用尖齿除草机进行补充控制。同样,imazapic有效控制了(84%至93%)小花牵牛花,并且不需要栽培来补充除草剂的控制。然而,当补充四氟脲素或S-异丙甲草胺时,用尖齿除草机栽培可改善小花牵牛花的控制(76%至95%)。花生产量对任何除草剂组合都没有反应,这些除草剂组合与使用尖齿除草机的栽培相结合。在花生种植期间,2014年和2017年的总降雨量和降雨事件天数较其他年份较多。降雨和潮湿的土壤降低了尖齿除草机的性能和杂草控制效益。这凸显了依靠栽培来控制杂草的风险。




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