
Chinese Lexical Sememe Prediction Using CilinE knowledge


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Sememes are the smallest semantic units of human languages,the composition of which can represent the meaning of words. Sememeshave been successfully applied to many downstream applications innatural language processing (NLP) field. Annotation of a word’s sememesdepends on language experts, which is both time-consuming and laborconsuming,limiting the large-scale application of sememe. Researchershave proposed some sememe prediction methods to automatically predictsememes for words. However, existing sememe prediction methods focuson information of the word itself, ignoring the expert-annotated knowledgebases which indicate the relations between words and should value in sememepredication. Therefore, we aim at incorporating the expert-annotatedknowledge bases into sememe prediction process. To achieve that, wepropose a CilinE-guided sememe prediction model which employs an existingword knowledge base CilinE to remodel the sememe prediction fromrelational perspective. Experiments on HowNet, a widely used Chinesesememe knowledge base, have shown that CilinE has an obvious positiveeffect on sememe prediction. Furthermore, our proposed method can beintegrated into existing methods and significantly improves the predictionperformance. We will release the data and code to the public.
机译:语义是人类语言中最小的语义单位,其组成可以表示单词的含义。Sememes已成功应用于自然语言处理(NLP)领域的许多下游应用。一个单词的语素注释依赖于语言专家,这既费时又费力,限制了语义的大规模应用。研究人员提出了一些语素预测方法来自动预测单词的语素。然而,现有的语素预测方法侧重于词本身的信息,而忽略了专家注释的知识库,这些知识库表明词之间的关系,并在语素谓词中应值。因此,我们的目标是将专家注释的知识库纳入语义预测过程。为了实现这一点,我们提出了一个 CilinE 引导的语素预测模型,该模型利用现有的单词知识库 CilinE 从关系角度对语素预测进行重塑。在被广泛使用的中文语义知识库知网上的实验表明,CilinE对语义预测有明显的正向影响。此外,我们提出的方法可以集成到现有方法中,并显着提高预测性能。我们将向公众发布数据和代码。




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