首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Resistance to amitraz in the parasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor is associated with mutations in the beta-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor

Resistance to amitraz in the parasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor is associated with mutations in the beta-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor


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Varroa destructor is considered a major reason for high loss rate of Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. To prevent colony losses caused by V. destructor, it is necessary to actively manage the mite population. Beekeepers, particularly commercial beekeepers, have few alternative treatments other than synthetic acaricides to control the parasite, resulting in intensive treatment regimens that led to the evolution of resistance in mite populations. To investigate the mechanism of the resistance to amitraz detected in V. destructor mites from French and U.S. apiaries, we identified and characterized octopamine and tyramine receptors (the known targets of amitraz) in this species. The comparison of sequences obtained from mites collected from different apiaries with different treatment regimens, showed that the amino acid substitutions N87S or Y215H in the Oct beta R were associated with treatment failures reported in French or U.S. apiaries, respectively. Based on our findings, we have developed and tested two high throughput diagnostic assays based on TaqMan technology able to accurately detect mites carrying the mutations in this receptor. This valuable information may be of help for beekeepers when selecting the most suitable acaricide to manage V. destructor.
机译:瓦蕊破坏因子被认为是西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)蜂群损失率高的主要原因。为了防止破坏弧菌造成的菌落损失,有必要积极管理螨虫种群。养蜂人,特别是商业养蜂人,除了合成杀蚨剂外,几乎没有其他治疗方法来控制寄生虫,导致强化治疗方案导致螨虫种群产生耐药性。为了研究在法国和美国养蜂场的破坏弧菌中检测到的对阿米特拉兹的抗性的机制,我们鉴定并表征了该物种中的章鱼胺和酪胺受体(阿米特拉兹的已知靶标)。从不同养蜂场收集的螨虫和不同治疗方案获得的序列的比较表明,Oct beta R中的氨基酸取代N87S或Y215H分别与法国或美国养蜂场报告的治疗失败有关。基于我们的研究结果,我们开发并测试了两种基于 TaqMan 技术的高通量诊断检测方法,能够准确检测携带该受体突变的螨虫。这些有价值的信息可能有助于养蜂人选择最合适的杀螨剂来管理破坏弧菌。




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