首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Growth Regulation >Salinity Induced Alterations in the Growth and Cellular Ion Content of Azolla caroliniana and Azolla microphylla

Salinity Induced Alterations in the Growth and Cellular Ion Content of Azolla caroliniana and Azolla microphylla


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The nitrogen fixing aquatic pteridophyte Azolla is often found in the rice fields and is responsible for maintaining the soil fertility and productivity. Salinity is known to severely affect approximately half of the irrigated lands worldwide. Therefore, in the present study, the salinity stress response in the whole plants, freshly isolated cyanobionts and the roots of A. caroliniana and A. microphylla exposed to 90 mM NaCl for 9 days was evaluated in terms of growth and ion content. Growth of the whole plant was estimated as increment in the dry weight. NaCl (90 mM) inhibited the growth of A. caroliniana and A. microphylla. The root length and the number of roots of A. caroliniana and A. microphylla were estimated and A. microphylla showed significant increase in the length and number of roots. Accumulation of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ions was also estimated in the whole plant, freshly isolated cyanobionts and the roots. The whole plant of A. microphylla accumulated less Na+ and more K+ whereas A. caroliniana accumulated more Na+ and less K+. Roots of A. microphylla accumulated less Na+ as compared to A. caroliniana and the cellular K+ and Ca2+ content was high in the roots of A. microphylla. Differential levels of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ion accumulation were observed in the freshly isolated cyanobionts. The results showed significant genotypic differences in growth and ion content of the whole Azolla plants and its cyanobionts. These results possibly suggest that A. microphylla and its cyanobionts exhibit better growth potential in response to salinity through efficient maintenance of ion content.
机译:固氮水生蕨类植物Azolla经常出现在稻田中,负责维持土壤肥力和生产力。众所周知,盐度严重影响了全世界大约一半的灌溉土地。因此,本研究从生长和离子含量方面评价了全株、新鲜分离的蓝生物以及暴露于90 mM NaCl的卡罗莱纳和小叶曲霉根系的盐胁迫响应。整个植物的生长估计为干重的增加。NaCl (90 mM) 抑制了 A. caroliniana 和 A. microphylla 的生长。对小叶苜蓿和小叶苜蓿的根长和根数进行估算,发现小叶芋的根长和根数均显著增加。还估计了Na+、K+和Ca2+离子在全株、新鲜分离的蓝生物和根系中的积累。小叶红曲霉全株积累的Na+少,K+多,而卡罗莱纳小叶红曲霉积累的Na+多,K+少。与小叶红松相比,小叶红松根系的Na+积累量较少,小叶红叶红松根系细胞K+和Ca2+含量较高。在新鲜分离的蓝生物中观察到Na+、K+和Ca2+离子积累的差异水平。结果表明,整个Azolla植株及其蓝生物的生长和离子含量存在显著的基因型差异。这些结果可能表明 A.Microphylla及其蓝生物通过有效维持离子含量,在盐度下表现出更好的生长潜力。



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