首页> 外文期刊>Advanced functional materials >Design of Topology-Controlled Polyethers toward Robust Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding

Design of Topology-Controlled Polyethers toward Robust Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding


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Topology control of polymers is critical for determining their physical propertiesand potential applications; in particular, topologies that incorporatenumerous hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) donors and acceptors along thepolymer chains considerably influence the formation of different inter- andintramolecular H-bonding motifs. In this study, the high-level control ofinter- and intramolecular H-bonding is investigated in topology-controlledpoly(glycidoxy carbonyl benzoic acid)s (PGCs). Three types of topologycontrolledPGCs (i.e., linear, hyperbranched, and branched cyclic structureshaving a similar degree of polymerization) are prepared by introducingaromatic carboxylic acids into the corresponding polyglycidols (PGs) viaquantitative post-polymerization modification with phthalic anhydride. Theobtained three types of PGCs demonstrated the high-level interplay betweenthe inter- and intramolecular H-bonding in polymer chains by exhibiting thepH-dependent self-association properties in the solution state and the strongadhesion properties in the bulk state with high transparency. Interestingly,the dramatically enhanced adhesive property by 2.6-fold is demonstrated bysimple mixing of branched cyclic PGC and topology-controlled PGs to promotethe cooperative H-bonding between polymer chains. The new class ofcooperative H-bonding is anticipated between topology-controlled polymersto contribute to the development of advanced adhesive and the high potentialin biological and biomedical applications due to its excellent biocompatibility.




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