首页> 外文期刊>European Security & Defence >Maintaining Deterrence and Defence: Italy's Improving Submarine Capability Strengthens NATO's Southern Flank

Maintaining Deterrence and Defence: Italy's Improving Submarine Capability Strengthens NATO's Southern Flank

机译:Maintaining Deterrence and Defence: Italy's Improving Submarine Capability Strengthens NATO's Southern Flank

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In February 2023, NATO hosted its annual, Mediterranean-based anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercise, 'Dynamic Manta', in the Ionian Sea off southern Italy. As 'Dynamic Manta' takes place on the door- step of the Eastern Mediterranean/Black Sea region, it is very much a real-world exercise. Since the return of great power competition and naval rivalry at sea, the region has become a critical stage within the wider Euro-Atlantic theatre, as NATO navies and the Russian Federation Navy use operational presence to joust for strategic position across the Eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Bosporus/ Dardanelles straits maritime choke point that connects them. The region's geo-strategic significance is being borne out in how it has become a critical access and presence point in the Russo-Ukraine War. For NATO, the Italian Navy provides major presence in Central and Eastern Mediterranean waters. The Italian Navy has been undergoing significant transformation, adding capabilities that support both national and international interests. This includes F-35s onboard the aircraft carrier Cavour, improved amphibious capability based around the assault ship Giuseppe Garibaldi, surface punch provided for anti-air warfare and ASW tasks by its Bergami-ni class FREMM multi-mission frigates, and a recapitalised and expanded submarine force built around its Type 212A fleet. One Type 212A was deployed on 'Dynamic Manta', according to NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM). MARCOM and the navies themselves tend not to release names of submarines operating at sea. However, social media outlets suggested the boat was the second-in-class Scire (S 527).




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