首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >PoS Blockchain-Based Forward-Secure Public Key Encryption with Immutable Keys and Post-Compromise Security Guarantees

PoS Blockchain-Based Forward-Secure Public Key Encryption with Immutable Keys and Post-Compromise Security Guarantees


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We present a forward-secure public-key encryption (PKE)scheme without key update, i.e. both public and private keys are immutable.In contrast, prior forward-secure PKE schemes achieve forward securityby constantly updating the secret keys. Our scheme is based on witnessencryption by Garg et al. (STOC 2013) and a proof-of-stake blockchainwith the distinguishable forking property introduced by Goyal et al. (TCC2017), and ensures a ciphertext cannot be decrypted more than once, therebyrendering a compromised secret key useless with respect to decryption ofpast ciphertext the legitimate user has already decrypted.In this work, we formalize the notion of blockchain-based forwardsecurePKE, show the feasibility of constructing a forward-secure PKEscheme without key update, and discuss interesting properties of our schemesuch as post-compromise security.
机译:我们提出了一种前向安全的公钥加密(PKE)方案,无需密钥更新,即公钥和私钥都是不可变的。相比之下,先前的向前安全 PKE 方案通过不断更新密钥来实现向前安全。我们的方案基于 Garg 等人 (STOC 2013) 的见证加密和 Goyal 等人 (TCC 2017) 引入的具有可区分分叉属性的权益证明区块链,并确保密文不能被多次解密,从而使受损的密钥在解密合法用户已经解密的过去密文方面毫无用处。在这项工作中,我们正式确定了基于区块链的前向安全PKE的概念,展示了在不更新密钥的情况下构建前向安全PKE方案的可行性,并讨论了我们方案的有趣特性,例如入侵后的安全性。




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