首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Multistage Framework for Automatic Face Mask Detection Using Deep Learning

Multistage Framework for Automatic Face Mask Detection Using Deep Learning


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The whole world is fighting as one against a deadly virus. COVID-19 cases are upon us in waves, with subsequent waves turning out to be worse than the previous one. Scores of human lives are lost while the post-COVID-19 complications are on a rise. Monitoring the behaviour of people in public places and offices is necessary to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 among humans. In this work, a low-cost, lightweight two-stage face mask detection model is proposed. In the first stage, the model checks if a face mask is worn. In the second stage, it detects if the mask is worn appropriately, by classifying and labelling them. The proposed models are trained to detect faces with and without masks for varied inputs such as images, recorded videos, and live streaming videos where it can efficiently detect multiple faces at once. The efficacy of the proposed approach is tested against conventional datasets as well as our proposed dataset, which includes no masks, surgical masks, and nonsurgical masks. In this work, multiple CNN models like MobileNetV2, ResNet50V2, and InceptionV3 have been considered for training and are evaluated based on transfer learning. We further rely on MobileNetV2 as the backbone model since it has an accuracy of 98.44. ? 2022 Sowmya K. N et al.
机译:全世界都在齐心协力与致命病毒作斗争。COVID-19 病例一波接一波地向我们袭来,随后的浪潮比前一波更糟糕。数十人丧生,而 COVID-19 后并发症呈上升趋势。监测人们在公共场所和办公室的行为对于减轻COVID-19在人类中的传播是必要的。本文提出了一种低成本、轻量级的两阶段口罩检测模型。在第一阶段,模型检查是否佩戴口罩。在第二阶段,它通过对口罩进行分类和标记来检测口罩是否正确佩戴。所提出的模型经过训练,可以检测有和没有面具的人脸,用于不同的输入,如图像、录制的视频和实时流媒体视频,它可以有效地同时检测多个人脸。所提出的方法的有效性是针对传统数据集以及我们提出的数据集(包括无口罩、外科口罩和非外科口罩)进行测试的。在这项工作中,考虑了多个 CNN 模型(如 MobileNetV2、ResNet50V2 和 InceptionV3)进行训练,并基于迁移学习进行评估。我们进一步依赖 MobileNetV2 作为骨干模型,因为它的准确率为 98.44%。?2022 Sowmya K. N 等人。




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