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Noncircular Gears: The unicorn of machine technology


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Noncircular gears are not a mere mathematical curiosity with limited practical utility. They were first sketched by Leonardo da Vinci around 1500 and have since found their way into a variety of useful applications. In the 18th century, noncircular gears were used in flow pumps, clocks, music boxes, toys, and other devices. Early publications on the gear type in the 19th century by Hamnet Holditch (1842), Henry T. Brown (1871), and Franz Reuleaux (1875) helped evolve the field of kinematics. First introduced by Uno Ollson in his book Non-Circular Bevel Gear in 1959, the noncircular bevel gear has remained obscure due to the complex geometry. Even though more and more publications are available on noncircular gears, the knowledge is, especially compared to cylindrical gears, still very limited. But in the last decade, there has been an increased interest in the field of noncircular gears due to certain advantages they have over circular gears.
机译:非圆齿轮不仅仅是一种实用性有限的数学好奇心。它们最初是由列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)在1500年左右绘制的,此后进入了各种有用的应用。在 18 世纪,非圆齿轮被用于流量泵、时钟、音乐盒、玩具和其他设备。Hamnet Holditch(1842 年)、Henry T. Brown(1871 年)和 Franz Reuleaux(1875 年)在 19 世纪关于齿轮类型的早期出版物帮助推动了运动学领域的发展。1959 年,Uno Ollson 在他的《非圆形锥齿轮》一书中首次介绍了非圆形锥齿轮,由于几何形状复杂,非圆形锥齿轮一直默默无闻。尽管关于非圆齿轮的出版物越来越多,但知识仍然非常有限,尤其是与圆柱齿轮相比。但在过去的十年中,由于非圆齿轮相对于圆齿轮具有某些优势,人们对非圆齿轮领域的兴趣越来越大。




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