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Association of age with emergency department visits and hospital admissions: A nationwide study


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Aim Older adults are frequently stigmatized for improper emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between age and appropriateness of ED visits, and the mismatching between ED clinical severity and hospitalizations. Methods We carried out a nationwide assessment of Italian Informative System for the Emergency and Urgency data from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 including patients admitted to all the Italian EDs for any reason. Appropriateness of ED visits was defined as a yellow/red/black color code (potentially life‐threatening/dead patients), whereas clinical severity/hospitalization mismatching was defined as hospital admission after validated ED green/white codes. Analyses dedicated to people aged ≥75?years were carried out. Results There were 20?400?071 ED visits (3?444?091 aged ≥75?years), which increased with age, up to >650/1000 inhabitants aged ≥90?years. The appropriateness of ED visits increased with age, from 6.3 in the 5–9?years age group to 44.2 in the 95–99?years age group. Clinical severity/hospitalization mismatching decreased with age, from 62.9 in the 30–34?years age group to 27.7 in the 95–99?years age group. At ED presentation, 21.6 of patients aged ≥75?years complained of non‐specific symptoms, and hospital discharge diagnoses frequently differed from the ED admission diagnoses; 11.4 died during hospitalization and 8.8 were discharged to long‐term care facilities. Conclusions The request for ED care and the admission to acute care ward are commonly appropriate for older patients. Clinical presentation at ED admission is frequently atypical. Health care systems should aim at improving outpatients' management to reduce the ED care need, but also at optimizing in‐hospital strategies and pathways for older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2022; 22: 917–923.
机译:目的:老年人经常因急诊科 (ED) 就诊和住院治疗不当而受到污名化。在这项研究中,我们旨在调查年龄与急诊就诊适宜性之间的关系,以及急诊室临床严重程度与住院治疗之间的不匹配。方法 我们对2015年1月1日至2015年12月31日期间意大利急诊和紧急信息系统数据进行了全国性评估,包括因任何原因入住意大利急诊室的患者。急诊就诊的适当性被定义为黄色/红色/黑色代码(可能危及生命/死亡的患者),而临床严重程度/住院不匹配被定义为经过验证的急诊科绿/白代码后入院。对 ≥75 岁的人群进行了分析。结果 急诊科就诊20?400?071人次(年龄≥75岁)3?444?091人次,随着年龄的增长而增加,≥90?岁达>650/1000人次。急诊就诊的适宜性随着年龄的增长而增加,从5-9岁年龄组的6.3%增加到95-99岁年龄组的44.2%。临床严重程度/住院不匹配率随着年龄的增长而降低,从 30-34 岁年龄组的 62.9% 下降到 95-99 岁年龄组的 27.7%。在急诊科就诊时,21.6% 的 ≥75 岁患者主诉非特异性症状,出院诊断通常与急诊科入院诊断不同;11.4%在住院期间死亡,8.8%出院到长期护理机构。结论 老年患者通常适用急诊科护理和急症监护病房。急诊科入院时的临床表现通常不典型。卫生保健系统应致力于改善门诊管理,以减少急诊科护理需求,同时也应优化老年人的住院策略和途径。Geriatr Gerontol Int 2022;22: 917–923.




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