首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Reduction of the Renal Radioactivity of In-111-DOTA-Labeled Antibody Fragments with a Linkage Cleaved by the Renal Brush Border Membrane Enzymes

Reduction of the Renal Radioactivity of In-111-DOTA-Labeled Antibody Fragments with a Linkage Cleaved by the Renal Brush Border Membrane Enzymes

机译:降低 In-111-DOTA 标记的抗体片段的肾脏放射性,其连接被肾刷缘膜酶切割

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The interposition of a cleavable linkage by enzymes onthe renalbrush border membrane constitutes a promising approach for reducingthe renal radioactivity levels of radiolabeled low-molecular-weightantibody fragments and constructs (LMW Abs). Herein, we applied themolecular design to 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraaceticacid (DOTA)-based reagents for radiotheranostic applications withtrivalent radiometals. DOTA or a derivative thereof was conjugatedto a Fab through an FGK linkage (In-111In-DO3AiBu-Bn-FGK-Fab or In-111In-DOTA-Bn-FGK-Fab).When injected into mice, both generated radiometabolites, In-111In-DO3AiBu-Bn-F and In-111In-DOTA-Bn-F,by the angiotensin-converting enzyme at similar rates. Both exhibitedsignificantly lower renal radioactivity levels than a In-111-labeled Fab prepared by the conventional procedure (In-111In-DOTA-Bn-SCN-Fab). The different elimination rates of each radiometabolitefrom the kidney significantly affected the renal radioactivity levels.In-111In-DO3AiBu-Bn-FGK-Fab preferentiallyreduced the renal localization without impairing tumor accumulation.These findings would pave the way for developing a DOTA-based radiotheranosticplatform for LMW Abs bearing cleavable linkers for renal brush borderenzymes.
机译:酶在肾刷状边缘膜上插入可裂解键是降低放射性标记的低分子量抗体片段和构建体 (LMW Abs) 的肾脏放射性水平的一种有前途的方法。在此,我们将分子设计应用于基于1,4,7,10-四氮杂环十二烷-1,4,7,10-四乙酸(DOTA)的试剂,用于三价放射性金属的辐射热疗应用。DOTA或其衍生物通过FGK键([In-111]In-DO3AiBu-Bn-FGK-Fab或[In-111]In-DOTA-Bn-FGK-Fab)与Fab偶联。当注射到小鼠体内时,血管紧张素转换酶以相似的速率产生放射性代谢物[In-111]In-DO3AiBu-Bn-F和[In-111]In-DOTA-Bn-F。两者的肾放射性水平均明显低于通过常规程序制备的 In-111 标记的 Fab ([In-111]In-DOTA-Bn-SCN-Fab)。肾脏中每种放射性代谢物的不同消除率显着影响了肾脏放射性水平。[在-111中]In-DO3AiBu-Bn-FGK-Fab 优先减少肾脏定位,而不损害肿瘤积累。这些发现将为开发基于DOTA的LMW Abs放射性尿疗平台铺平道路,该平台带有肾刷边界酶的可切割接头。




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