首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >Integrated Sequential Groundwater Contaminant Source Characterization and Pareto-Optimal Monitoring Network Design Application for a Contaminated Aquifer Site

Integrated Sequential Groundwater Contaminant Source Characterization and Pareto-Optimal Monitoring Network Design Application for a Contaminated Aquifer Site


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Accurate and reliable groundwater contaminant source characterization with limited contaminant concentration monitoring measurement data remains a challenging problem. This study presents an illustrative application of developed methodologies to a real-life contaminated aquifer. The source characterization and optimal monitoring network design methodologies are used sequentially for a contaminated aquifer site located in New South Wales, Australia. Performance of the integrated optimal source characterization methodology combining linked simulation-optimization, fractal singularity mapping technique (FSMT) and Pareto optimal solutions is evaluated. This study presents an integrated application of optimal source characterization with spatiotemporal concentration measurement data obtained from sequentially designed monitoring networks. The proposed sequential source characterization and monitoring network design methodology shows efficiency in identifying the unknown source characteristics. The designed monitoring network achieves comparable efficiency and accuracy utilizing much smaller number of monitoring locations as compared to a more ideal scenario where concentration measurements from a very large number of widespread monitoring wells are available. The proposed methodology is potentially useful for efficient characterization of unknown contaminant sources in a complex contaminated aquifer site, where very little initial concentration measurement data are available. The illustrative application of the methodology to a real-life contaminated aquifer site demonstrates the capability and efficiency of the proposed methodology.




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