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The importance of prioritizing politics in Good Governance for Medicines Initiative in Zimbabwe: a qualitative policy analysis study


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In 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Good Governance for Medicines (GGM) initiative, with the aim of fighting corruption in the pharmaceutical sector. In the case of Zimbabwe, implementation of the initiative slowed down after the development phase. Often, lack of funding and technical considerations are cited as major reasons for issue de-prioritization whilst ignoring the influence of politics in mediating policy diffusion. Between June and August 2021, we conducted an in-depth document review and interviewed individuals involved with GGM in Zimbabwe to understand the political determinants of GGM prioritization in Zimbabwe. To guide and direct our analysis, we used the Shiffman and Smith framework. We found that the inception of GGM was facilitated by capable leaders, effective guiding institutions and resonance of the idea with the political environment. Prioritization from inception to implementation was constrained by limited citizen engagement, restriction of the issue to the pharmaceutical domain and a political transition that re-oriented policy priorities and reconfigured individual actor power. The portrayal of corruption as a priority problem requiring policy action has been hampered by the political sensitivity of the issue, lack of credible indicators on the prevalence and severity of the problem and challenges to measure the effectiveness of interventions such as the GGM. Despite the slowdown, from 2018 GGM actors have taken advantage of momentous policy windows to reconstitute their power by opportunistically framing GGM within the broader framework of access to essential medicines leading to the creation of new policy alliances and establishment of strategic political structures. To sustain the political prioritization, actors need to lobby for the institutionalization of GGM within the Ministry of Health strategy, sensitize citizens on the initiative, involve multiple stakeholders and frame the issue as a strategic intervention that underpins pharmaceutical sector performance within the national developmental framework.
机译:2004年,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)发起了药品善治倡议,旨在打击制药行业的腐败。就津巴布韦而言,该倡议的执行在发展阶段之后放慢了速度。通常,缺乏资金和技术考虑被认为是问题不优先的主要原因,而忽视了政治在调解政策传播方面的影响。在 2021 年 6 月至 8 月期间,我们进行了深入的文件审查,并采访了津巴布韦参与 GGM 的个人,以了解津巴布韦 GGM 优先级的政治决定因素。为了指导和指导我们的分析,我们使用了 Shiffman 和 Smith 框架。我们发现,GGM的成立是由有能力的领导者、有效的指导机构以及理念与政治环境的共鸣所推动的。从开始到实施的优先次序受到公民参与有限、将问题限制在制药领域以及重新定位政策优先事项和重新配置个人行为者权力的政治过渡的限制。将腐败描述为需要采取政策行动的优先问题,由于该问题的政治敏感性、缺乏关于该问题的普遍性和严重性的可靠指标以及衡量GGM等干预措施的有效性的挑战而受到阻碍。尽管经济放缓,但从2018年开始,GGM行为者利用重大的政策窗口,通过在获得基本药物的更广泛框架内投机取巧地构建GGM来重建其权力,从而建立新的政策联盟和建立战略政治结构。为了保持政治优先次序,行动者需要游说将GGM制度化纳入卫生部战略,提高公民对这一倡议的认识,让多个利益攸关方参与进来,并将该问题定性为一项战略干预措施,在国家发展框架内巩固制药部门的绩效。




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