
Pushing on plastics


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The United NationsEnvironment Assembly's (UNEA) planned global pact on plastic may act as a further disruptor and con-solidator of efforts to address plastic packaging in the dairy industry. The legally binding agreement, which UN member states agreed would be concluded by 2024, according to a March 2022 announcement, aims to facilitate an end to plastic pollution by addressing the lifecycle of plastic, from design and production to disposal. The news has been welcomed by many in the dairy sector, including multinationals Danone and Unilever.Before the announcement, Danone had already signed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, a voluntary agreement by some 1,000 organisations to meet targets for a circular economy for plastic by 2025. Emmanuel Faber, former chairman and CEO of Danone, says the commitment plays "a critical role in aligning governments, industries, civil society and finance around a set of common ambitions and objectives."Richard Slater, chief RD officer at Unilever, describes the UNEA move as "a landmark decision by UN member states," adding that tackling plastic pollution is "a catalyst for innovation and reflects what our consumers water: less plastic waste."Indeed, 82 per cent of consumers prefer products that use as little plastic packaging as possible, according to a 2021 Ipsos survey of 20,513 adults in 28 countries. Moreover, 85 per cent of respondents said they want manufacturers and retailers to be held responsible for reducing, reusing and recycling plastic packaging, while 88 per cent said a global plastic treaty would help effectively reduce plastic pollution.1But despite consumers' interest in tackling plastic, a 2019 study in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances showed 91 per cent of plastics globally was still not recycled.
机译:联合国环境大会(UNEA)计划中的全球塑料协议可能会进一步破坏和巩固乳制品行业塑料包装问题的努力。根据 2022 年 3 月的公告,联合国成员国同意在 2024 年之前签署这项具有法律约束力的协议,旨在通过解决塑料从设计和生产到处置的生命周期问题来促进结束塑料污染。在宣布这一消息之前,达能已经签署了《新塑料经济全球承诺》,这是约1000个组织的自愿协议,旨在到2025年实现塑料循环经济的目标。达能前董事长兼首席执行官伊曼纽尔·费伯(Emmanuel Faber)表示,这一承诺“在使政府、行业、民间社会和金融界围绕一系列共同的雄心和目标保持一致方面发挥着关键作用”。联合利华首席研发官理查德·斯莱特(Richard Slater)将联合国环境局的举动描述为“联合国成员国的里程碑式决定”,并补充说,解决塑料污染是“创新的催化剂,反映了我们的消费者所用的:更少的塑料垃圾。事实上,根据益普索 2021 年对 28 个国家/地区的 20,513 名成年人进行的一项调查,82% 的消费者更喜欢使用尽可能少塑料包装的产品。此外,85%的受访者表示,他们希望制造商和零售商对减少、再利用和回收塑料包装负责,而88%的受访者表示,全球塑料条约将有助于有效减少塑料污染。




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