首页> 外文期刊>Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine >A comparative study of photoplethysmogram and piezoelectric plethysmogram signals

A comparative study of photoplethysmogram and piezoelectric plethysmogram signals


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The Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal is one of the most important vital signals in biomedical applications. The non-invasive property and the convenience in the acquisition of both PPG and Piezoelectric Plethysmogram (PZPG) signals are considered as powerful and accurate tools for biomedical diagnosing applications, such as oxygen saturation in blood, blood flow, and blood pressure measurements. In this paper, a number of features for PPG and PZPG signals (ex. first derivative, second derivative, area under the curve and the ratio of systolic area to the diastolic area) are acquired and compared. The results show that both systems are able to extract the pulse rate (PR) and pulse rate variability (PRV), accurately with an estimation error of less than 10. The averaged standard deviation of the ratio of the systolic area to the diastolic area for the first derivative of PPG and PZPG signals was small with less than 0.49 and 0.69 for the PPG and PZPG, respectively. Statistical analysis techniques (such as cross-correlation, P-value test, and Bland Altman method) are performed to address the relation between the PPG and PZPG signals. All of these methods showed a strong relationship between the features of the two signals (i.e. PPG and PZPG). The correlation value is found to be 0.954 with a p-value of < 0.05. This opens possibilities for combining both the PPG and PZPG systems to extract more features that can be used in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. Such a system can provide a possibility to reduce the number of devices connected to patients (especially in emergencies) by means of measuring simultaneously both signals (PZPG and PPG).
机译:光电容积脉搏波 (PPG) 信号是生物医学应用中最重要的生命信号之一。PPG 和压电体积描记图 (PZPG) 信号的非侵入性和采集便利性被认为是生物医学诊断应用的强大而准确的工具,例如血液中的氧饱和度、血流量和血压测量。本文采集并比较了PPG和PZPG信号的一些特征(例如一阶导数、二阶导数、曲线下面积以及收缩区与舒张区之比)。结果表明,两种系统均能准确提取脉搏率(PR)和脉搏率变异性(PRV),估计误差小于10%。PPG 和 PZPG 信号的一阶导数收缩区与舒张区之比的平均标准差较小,PPG 和 PZPG 分别小于 0.49 和 0.69。采用统计分析技术(如互相关、P 值检验和 Bland Altman 方法)来解决 PPG 和 PZPG 信号之间的关系。所有这些方法都显示出两个信号(即PPG和PZPG)的特征之间的强关系。发现相关值为 0.954,p 值为 < 0.05。这为结合PPG和PZPG系统提供了可能性,以提取更多可用于诊断心血管疾病的特征。这种系统可以通过同时测量两个信号(PZPG 和 PPG)来减少连接到患者的设备数量(尤其是在紧急情况下)。




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