首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758) from the late Pleistocene of Brazilian Intertropical Region: taxonomy, habitat, isotopic diet composition, and isotopic niche overlap with extinct faunivores

Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758) from the late Pleistocene of Brazilian Intertropical Region: taxonomy, habitat, isotopic diet composition, and isotopic niche overlap with extinct faunivores

机译:来自巴西热带地区更新世晚期的Panthera onca(Linnaeus,1758):分类学,栖息地,同位素饮食组成以及与已灭绝动物群的同位素生态位重叠

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This paper focuses in the description, radiocarbon dating and isotopic analyses (delta C-13, delta O-18) of new fossils of Panthera onca from the late Pleistocene of the Brazilian Intertropical Region. This paper focuses on the paleoecology of this large cat and is of major importance to understand ecological niches in evolutionary time. Radiocarbon datings and stable isotope compositions (carbon and oxygen) were determined from the structural carbonate of enamel for two fossils of Panthera onca found in two caves in Bahia, Brazil. Isotopic data available of large faunivores and other extinct and extant herbivorous taxa from the late Pleistocene of the Brazilian Intertropical Region were used for paleoecological interpretations. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values from P. onca allow us to suggest that these individuals lived in arboreal savanna habitat between 26 and 33 kyr BP, could reach 209 kg and feed mainly on Nothrotherium maquinense, Tapirus terrestris and Alouatta sp., being a specialist. The isotopic niche overlap with Smilodon populator and Arctotherium wingei was high, while with Protocyon troglodytes was low. In the late Pleistocene P. onca probably suffer high ecological pressure by S. populator, while with A. wingei this could not occur, as this species could be mainly herbivorous.
机译:本文重点研究了巴西热带地区晚更新世Panthera onca新化石的描述、放射性碳测年和同位素分析(delta C-13、delta O-18)。本文重点研究这种大型猫科动物的古生态学,对了解进化时期的生态位具有重要意义。放射性碳测年和稳定同位素组成(碳和氧)是从巴西巴伊亚州两个洞穴中发现的两块黑豹化石的牙釉质结构碳酸盐中确定的。巴西热带地区更新世晚期大型食肉动物和其他已灭绝和现存草食性类群的同位素数据被用于古生态学解释。来自P. onca的碳和氧同位素值使我们能够表明,这些个体生活在26至33 kyr BP之间的树栖稀树草原栖息地中,体重可达209公斤,主要以Nothrotherium maquinense,Tapirus terrestris和Alouatta sp.为食,是专家。与Smilodon populator和Arctotherium wingei的同位素生态位重叠较高,而与Protocyon穴居人的同位素重叠较低。在更新世晚期,P. onca可能受到S. populator的高度生态压力,而对于A. wingei来说,这种情况不会发生,因为该物种可能主要是草食性的。




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