首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mechanical design >Impact of Timing in the Design Process on Students' Application of Design for Additive Manufacturing Heuristics

Impact of Timing in the Design Process on Students' Application of Design for Additive Manufacturing Heuristics

机译:Impact of Timing in the Design Process on Students' Application of Design for Additive Manufacturing Heuristics

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The goal of this work is to study the way student designers use design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) rules or heuristics. It can be challenging for novice designers to create successful designs for additive manufacturing (AM), due to its recent surge in popularity and lack of formal education or training. A study was carried out to investigate the way novices apply DfAM heuristics when they receive them at different points in the design process. A design problem was presented to students, and three different groups of student participants were given a lecture on DfAM heuristics at three different points in the design process: before the initial design, between the initial design and redesign, and after the redesign. The novelty and quality of each of the resulting designs were evaluated. Results indicate that although the DfAM heuristics lecture had no impact on the overall quality of the designs generated, participants who were given the heuristics lecture after the initial design session produced designs that were better-suited for 3D printing in the second phase of the design activity. However, receiving this additional information appears to prevent students from creatively iterating upon their initial designs, as participants who received heuristic information between the design sessions experienced a decrease in novelty between the two sessions. Additionally, receiving the heuristics lecture increased all students' perceptions of their ability to perform DfAM-related tasks. These results validate the practicality of design heuristics in lecture form as AM training tools while also emphasizing the importance of iteration in the design process.




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