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The 2020 Nobel prize of Medicine for three hepatitis C discovery pioneers: a medical history milestone


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The attribution of the 2020 Nobel prize in Medicine to Harvey J. ALTER (MD), Michael HOUGHTON (PhD, DSC Hon.) and Charles M. RICE (PhD) for their contribution in the discovery of hepatitis C virus was widely applauded by all medical and public health communities alike. The discovery, identification characterization and therapeutic eradication of hepatitis C virus is truly an historical milestone, comparable to that of tuberculosis, poliomyelitis or HIV. HCV becoming the first ever curable chronic viral disease! Hepatitis C is a major worldwide public health problem with more than 70 million carriers responsible for chronic hepatitis silently progressing to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and 440.000 deaths a year. Transmitted by blood to blood exposure it is a man-made disease.
机译:2020 年诺贝尔医学奖授予 Harvey J. ALTER(MD)、Michael HOUGHTON(博士,DSC 荣誉)和 Charles M. RICE(博士)在发现丙型肝炎病毒方面的贡献,受到所有医学和公共卫生界的广泛赞誉。丙型肝炎病毒的发现、鉴定、表征和治疗根除确实是一个历史性的里程碑,可与结核病、脊髓灰质炎或艾滋病毒相媲美。丙型肝炎病毒成为有史以来第一个可治愈的慢性病毒性疾病!丙型肝炎是一个重大的全球公共卫生问题,每年有超过7000万慢性肝炎携带者悄无声息地发展为肝硬化,肝细胞癌和440.000人死亡。通过血液传播,暴露于血液中,它是一种人为疾病。




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