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Quantum Dots for Pathogenic Bacterial Monitoring and Combating


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Antibiotic resistance and pathogenic bacterial monitoring are two main challengesin clinical diagnostics and treatment of bacteria. To conquer thoseissues, many new materials and novel technologies are explored. Amongthem, quantum dots (QDs) are regarded as not only powerful bacteriostaticagents, but also bacterial monitoring probes due to their excellent photoluminescenceproperties, tunable multiwavelength luminescence, and capabilityin reactive oxygen species-generation. While, till now, no systematic andcritical review has been published in this related research area. This reviewpaper aims at summarization and review of the monitoring and combatingof pathogenic bacteria utilizing QDs (mainly in the recent five years), in viewof their classification, modification, mechanism, and application. SemiconductorQDs, transmission-metal-based QDs, carbon-based QDs, andsilicon-based QDs are mainly covered in this review. Moreover, a thoroughdiscussion on the possible interaction mechanism between bacteria and QDsis given, which will contribute to the designing of QDs for novel and high-efficientbacterial monitoring and combating applications. Eventually, the currentchallenges and the future research focus of QDs in bacterial monitoring andcombating are proposed. This review will be of significance for the relatedfield to understand the designing principles of QDs for pathogenic bacterialmonitoring and combating applications.




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