首页> 外文期刊>Fluctuation and Noise Letters: FNL: An Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal on Random Processes in Physical, Biological and Technological Systems >Quantification of Pass-by Noise Levels on Urban Roads: Effect of Engine Propulsion and Tire-Road Interaction

Quantification of Pass-by Noise Levels on Urban Roads: Effect of Engine Propulsion and Tire-Road Interaction


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Vehicle speeds frequently fluctuate due to the prevailing heterogeneous traffic conditions on Indian roads. Accordingly, traffic noise levels are affected by different noise sources that depend on various vehicular and roadway characteristics. In order to simulate the actual vehicle noise generation at the possible speeds on Indian roads, an integrated method has been developed in this study to quantify the engine and tire-road noise levels. The governing parameters considered for the pass-by noise quantification include vehicle speed, type of pavement and gear shift/gear transmission. The measured A-weighted noise levels LAmax (dB) revealed that tire-road noise levels increased with the rise in vehicle speeds irrespective of the vehicle type and type of the pavement. Further, the tire-road noise levels quantified through the new methodology closely matched the noise levels measured by the standard coast-by method. The cross-over speeds for engine propulsion noise and tire-road interaction noise occur at much lower speeds on the cement concrete pavements compared to the asphalt pavements. On a decisive note, the perspective of measuring the roadside noise levels coupled with an engine propulsion noise measurement as reported in this study is first of its kind and can be used for noise measurements on critical urban roads by priming with the conventional pass-by methods.
机译:由于印度道路上普遍存在的异质交通状况,车速经常波动。因此,交通噪音水平受到不同噪音源的影响,这些噪音源取决于不同的车辆和道路特性。为了模拟印度道路上可能速度下实际车辆产生的噪声,本研究开发了一种综合方法来量化发动机和轮胎-道路噪声水平。通过噪声量化考虑的控制参数包括车速、路面类型和换档/变速器。测得的 A 加权噪声水平 [LAmax (dB)] 显示,无论车辆类型和路面类型如何,轮胎-路面噪声水平都随着车速的升高而增加。此外,通过新方法量化的轮胎-路面噪声水平与标准滑行法测量的噪声水平非常匹配。与沥青路面相比,水泥混凝土路面上的发动机推进噪声和轮胎-路面相互作用噪声的交叉速度发生在低得多的速度下。值得一提的是,本研究中报告的测量路边噪声水平与发动机推进噪声测量相结合的观点是同类研究中的首创,可以通过传统的通过方法进行启动,用于关键城市道路上的噪声测量。




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