首页> 外文期刊>Wireless personal communications: An Internaional Journal >EAP-SH: An EAP Authentication Protocol to Integrate Captive Portals in the 802.1X Security Architecture

EAP-SH: An EAP Authentication Protocol to Integrate Captive Portals in the 802.1X Security Architecture

机译:EAP-SH:一种 EAP 身份验证协议,用于在 802.1X 安全体系结构中集成强制网络门户

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In a scenario where hotspot wireless networks are increasingly being used, and given the amount of sensitive information exchanged on Internet interactions, there is the need to implement security mechanisms that guarantee data confidentiality and integrity in such networks, as well as the authenticity of the hotspot providers. However, many hotspots today use Captive Portals, which rely on authentication through Web pages (thus, an application-level authentication approach) instead of a link-layer approach. The consequence of this is that there is no security in the wireless link to the hotspot (it has to be provided at upper protocol layers), and is cumbersome to manage wireless access profiles (we need special applications or browsers' add-ons to do that). This work exposes the weaknesses of the Captive Portals' paradigm, which does not follow a unique nor standard approach, and describes a solution that intends to suppress them, based on the 802.1X architecture. It relies on EAP-SH (extended authentication protocol for secure hotspots), a new EAP-compliant protocol that is able to integrate a Web-based registration or authentication with a Captive Portal within the 802.1X authentication framework. This work describes its design, implementation and prototype evaluation.
机译:在越来越多地使用热点无线网络的情况下,考虑到互联网交互中交换的敏感信息量,需要实施安全机制,以保证此类网络中的数据机密性和完整性,以及热点提供商的真实性。但是,如今许多热点都使用强制网络门户,这些门户依赖于通过网页进行身份验证(因此,这是一种应用程序级身份验证方法),而不是链路层方法。这样做的结果是,到热点的无线链路没有安全性(必须在上层协议层提供),并且管理无线访问配置文件很麻烦(我们需要特殊的应用程序或浏览器的附加组件来做到这一点)。这项工作暴露了强制网络门户范式的弱点,该范式不遵循独特或标准的方法,并描述了一种旨在基于 802.1X 架构抑制它们的解决方案。它依赖于 EAP-SH(安全热点的扩展身份验证协议),这是一种新的符合 EAP 标准的协议,能够在 802.1X 身份验证框架内将基于 Web 的注册或身份验证与强制网络门户集成在一起。这项工作描述了其设计、实现和原型评估。




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