首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical oceanography >Seasonal and Year-To-Year Variability of Boundary Currents and Eddy Salt Flux along the Eastern and Southern Coasts of Sri Lanka Observed by PIES and Satellite Measurements

Seasonal and Year-To-Year Variability of Boundary Currents and Eddy Salt Flux along the Eastern and Southern Coasts of Sri Lanka Observed by PIES and Satellite Measurements


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Boundary currents along the Sri Lankan eastern and southern coasts serve as a pathway for salt exchange between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea basins in the northern Indian Ocean, which are characterized by their contrasting salinities. Measurements from two pairs of pressure-sensing inverted echo sounders (PIES) deployed along the Sri Lankan eastern and southern coasts as well as satellite measurements are used to understand the variability of these boundary currents and the associated salt transport. The volume transport in the surface (0-200-m depth) layer exhibits a seasonal cycle associated with the monsoonal wind reversal and interannual variability associated with the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD). In this layer, the boundary currents transport low-salinity water out of the Bay of Bengal during the northeast monsoon and transport high-salinity water into the Bay of Bengal during the fall monsoon transition of some years (e.g., 2015 and 2018). The Bay of Bengal salt input increases during the 2016 negative IOD as the eastward flow of high-salinity water during the fall monsoon transition intensifies, whereas the effect of the 2015/16 El Nino on the Bay of Bengal salt input is still unclear. The time-mean eddy salt flux over the upper 200 m estimated for the April 2015-March 2019 period along the eastern coast accounts for 9 of the salt budget required to balance an estimated 0.13 Sv (1 Sv equivalent to 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) of annual freshwater input into the Bay of Bengal. The time-mean eddy salt flux over the upper 200 m estimated for the December 2015-November 2019 period along the southern coast accounts for 27 of that same salt budget. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: In the northern Indian Ocean, the highly saline Arabian Sea undergoes extreme evaporation while the Bay of Bengal (BoB) receives excess freshwater input. The focus of this study is the role of the observed time-variable circulation around Sri Lanka that permits the exchange between these basins to maintain their salinity distributions. The circulation fluctuates seasonally following the monsoon wind reversal and interannually in response to large-scale climate modes. The BoB freshwater export around Sri Lanka occurs during the northeast monsoon, whereas saline water import occurs during the fall monsoon transition of some years. However, rapid changes in both water volume transport and salt exchange can occur. The circulation over 0-200-m depth transports similar to 9-27 of the BoB salt budget.
机译:斯里兰卡东部和南部海岸的边界流是孟加拉湾和印度洋北部阿拉伯海盆地之间盐交换的通道,这些盆地的盐度对比鲜明。沿斯里兰卡东部和南部海岸部署的两对压力感应倒置回声测深仪(PIES)的测量以及卫星测量用于了解这些边界流的变化性和相关的盐传输。地表(0-200 m深度)层的体积输送表现出与季风反转相关的季节周期,以及与印度洋偶极子(IOD)相关的年际变率。在这一层中,边界流在东北季风期间将低盐度水输送出孟加拉湾,并在若干年(例如2015年和2018年)的秋季季风过渡期间将高盐度水输送到孟加拉湾。在2016年负IOD期间,随着秋季季风过渡期间高盐度水向东流动的加剧,孟加拉湾盐输入量增加,而2015/16年厄尔尼诺现象对孟加拉湾盐输入的影响尚不清楚。2015 年 4 月至 2019 年 3 月期间,东海岸上部 200 m 上部的涡流盐通量估计占平衡估计 0.13 Sv(1 Sv相当于10(6) m(3) s(-1))的年度淡水输入孟加拉湾。2015 年 12 月至 2019 年 11 月期间,南部海岸上 200 米上部的时间平均涡流盐通量估计占同一盐预算的 27%。意义声明:在印度洋北部,高盐度的阿拉伯海经历了极端蒸发,而孟加拉湾(BoB)则接收了过量的淡水输入。本研究的重点是在斯里兰卡周围观测到的时变环流的作用,该环流允许这些盆地之间的交换以保持其盐度分布。环流随季风逆转而随季节波动,并随大尺度气候模式而年际波动。斯里兰卡周围的BoB淡水出口发生在东北季风期间,而咸水进口发生在一些年份的秋季季风过渡期间。然而,水体积运输和盐交换都可能发生快速变化。0-200米深度的环流运输量相当于BoB盐预算的9%-27%。




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