首页> 外文期刊>Evolutionary biology >Is Allometric Variation in the Cephalic Horn on Male Rhinoceros Beetles Discontinuously Dimorphic?

Is Allometric Variation in the Cephalic Horn on Male Rhinoceros Beetles Discontinuously Dimorphic?


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I used linear and nonlinear regression to re-examine the allometric relationship between length of the cephalic horn and width of the pronotum (a measure of body size) for males of 28 species of rhinoceros beetle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). An earlier investigation reported that variation in relative size of the horn conforms in most of the 28 species to a pattern of discontinuous, loglinear allometry, which implies, in turn, that two different power equations are needed to describe the full range in untransformed data. My analyses indicate, however, that allometric variation is continuous in all 28 species and that pattern in each of the original bivariate distributions is well described by a single mathematical function. Allometric variation on the original, arithmetic scale is linear for some species; either linear or slightly sigmoidal for other species; and decidedly sigmoidal in still other species. So-called major and minor morphs merely represent the extremes in absolute and relative size for the horn on animals drawn from the same, continuous distribution. The different findings reported in the earlier investigation resulted from insidious problems introduced by logarithmic transformation of the original bivariate data coupled with an overly complex statistical protocol for classifying individual males as either "major" or "minor." Attempts at classification lead inevitably to oversimplification and misrepresentation of the pattern of allometric variation. Focus needs to return to describing and interpreting pattern in untransformed observations because the relationship between the original variables is the relationship of interest.
机译:我使用线性和非线性回归重新检查了 28 种犀牛甲虫(鞘翅目、金龟子科、Dynastinae)雄性头角长度和前突宽度(体型的量度)之间的异速生长关系。较早的一项研究报告称,在28个物种中,大多数物种的角相对大小的变化都符合不连续的对数线性异速计模式,这反过来意味着需要两种不同的功率方程来描述未转换数据的全范围。然而,我的分析表明,所有 28 个物种的异速生长变异都是连续的,并且每个原始双变量分布中的模式都可以用单个数学函数很好地描述。对于某些物种,原始算术尺度上的异速生长变化是线性的;对于其他物种,要么是线性的,要么是略呈 S 形的;并且在其他物种中绝对是乙状结肠。所谓的大变和小变仅表示从相同的连续分布中抽取的动物角的绝对和相对大小的极端值。早期调查中报告的不同发现是由于原始双变量数据的对数变换以及将个体男性分类为“主要”或“次要”的过于复杂的统计协议所引入的隐匿问题。“ 分类的尝试不可避免地导致对异速生长变异模式的过度简化和歪曲。焦点需要回到描述和解释未转换观测值中的模式,因为原始变量之间的关系是感兴趣的关系。




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