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Transparent Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells


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Single layer light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) are amongst thesimplest electroluminescent devices and operate with air-stable electrodes.Transparent light-emitting devices are of great interest as they can enablenew applications in consumer electronics. In this work, a transparent ionictransition metal complex based LEC is fabricated by developing a transparenttop contact based on tin (IV) oxide (SnO_2) and indium-tin oxide, processedby low-temperature atomic layer deposition and pulsed laser deposition,respectively. The resulting devices present transparency in excess of 75 overthe full visible spectrum (380–750 nm), with 82 transmission at the emissionpeak (563 nm). The devices emit from the front and the rear with highluminance (260 cd m~(?2)) and long lifetime (176 h). These parameters placethem among the highest performing single layer transparent electroluminescentdevices.
机译:单层发光电化学电池 (LEC) 是最简单的电致发光器件之一,使用空气稳定的电极运行。透明发光器件引起了人们的极大兴趣,因为它们可以在消费电子产品中实现新的应用。本工作通过开发基于氧化锡(SnO_2 IV)和氧化铟-氧化铟的透明顶接触,分别采用低温原子层沉积和脉冲激光沉积法制备了透明离子过渡金属配合物基LEC。所得器件在整个可见光谱(380-750 nm)上的透明度超过75%,在发射峰(563 nm)处的透射率为82%。器件从前部和后部发射,亮度高(260 cd m~(?2))长,寿命长(176 h)。这些参数使它们跻身于性能最高的单层透明电致发光器件之列。




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