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Using innovative science to enable coral reefs to survive into the future


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Coral reefs are amongst the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, with up to 25 of all marine species depending on reefs at some point during their life cycle. This wonderful array of species and the framework of reefs themselves are not only valued for their intrinsic beauty, but provide myriad economic and ecological benefits across the globe's tropics. The total monetary value of coral reefs can be difficult to estimate, but the upper limit is assessed at around $11 trillion. Accounted for in this value are billions of dollars spent annually by tourists, jobs associated with reefs, commercial and sustenance fisheries, shoreline protection by way of reducing erosion and flooding during storms, current and potential drug compound discovery, and connection to and buffering of other important ecosystems such as seagrass beds and mangroves. Despite their clear importance for the over half-billion people who depend on these ecosystems daily, coral reefs face a number of threats across varied geographic scales. However, as we are discovering more about the complexity of coral-reef systems, we are learning innovative ways to protect and restore reefs using new scientific knowledge and techniques.
机译:珊瑚礁是地球上生物多样性最丰富的生态系统之一,多达 25% 的海洋物种在其生命周期的某个时刻依赖珊瑚礁。这些奇妙的物种和珊瑚礁本身的框架不仅因其内在的美丽而受到重视,而且为全球热带地区提供了无数的经济和生态效益。珊瑚礁的总货币价值可能难以估计,但上限估计约为 11 万亿美元。这一价值包括游客每年花费的数十亿美元、与珊瑚礁、商业和生计渔业相关的工作、通过减少风暴期间的侵蚀和洪水来保护海岸线、当前和潜在的药物化合物发现,以及与海草床和红树林等其他重要生态系统的联系和缓冲。尽管珊瑚礁对每天依赖这些生态系统的五亿多人具有明显的重要性,但它们在不同的地理尺度上面临着许多威胁。然而,随着我们对珊瑚礁系统的复杂性的发现越来越多,我们正在学习使用新的科学知识和技术来保护和恢复珊瑚礁的创新方法。




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