首页> 外文期刊>Journal of aging and physical activity >Quality of Movement Is Associated With Cognitive Function in Physically Inactive Older Women

Quality of Movement Is Associated With Cognitive Function in Physically Inactive Older Women

机译:Quality of Movement Is Associated With Cognitive Function in Physically Inactive Older Women

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The relationship between the quality of movement, considering different global and universal basic patterns of movement and cognition domains in older adults remain unclear. The current study explored this association in physically inactive older women. In total, 187 participants, aged 60-70 years (mean = 64.9, SD = 6.9 years), were recruited from a physical education program in a public university. The older adults performed the following tests: Functional Movement Screen, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Modified Baecke Questionnaire for the Older Adults. The regression analysis showed an association between age (beta = -0.11, 95% confidence interval, CI, [-0.10, 0.30], p =.03); visuospatial abilities (beta = 0.36, 95% CI [0.24, 1.23], p <.001); language (beta = 0.23, 95% CI [0.20, 1.08], p <.001); and orientation domains (beta = 0.13, 95% CI [0.11, 1.22], p =.016) of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the Functional Movement Screen. The quality of movement was related to both age and cognitive performance, such as the visuospatial abilities, language, and orientation domains, in physically inactive older women.




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