首页> 外文期刊>Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery. >Complete avulsion of the heel pad with talar and calcaneal fracture: salvage with multiple K-wire anchorage, internal fixation and free ALT flap

Complete avulsion of the heel pad with talar and calcaneal fracture: salvage with multiple K-wire anchorage, internal fixation and free ALT flap

机译:足跟垫完全撕脱伴距骨和跟骨骨折:多处导管锚固、内固定和游离 ALT 皮瓣进行挽救

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Background Degloving of the sole of the foot is a rare and serious injury because the heel pad cannot be replaced by similar tissue. The management is challenging and only a few cases have been reported with different treatment regimens. Methods Here, we report on a 46-year-old female patient with complex foot trauma consisting of complete avulsion of the heel pad at the hindfoot and a soft tissue defect at the posterior aspect of the heel accompanied by rupture of the anterior tibial tendon and fractures of the talus, calcaneus and midfoot. The sole of the foot was fixed to the calcaneus with multiple temporary Kirschner wires and moist wound dressings. The anterior tibial tendon was sutured. The soft tissue defect at the posterior heel was treated with a free anterolateral thigh flap. The fractures were fixed in staged procedures. Results At 2-year follow-up, the patient had a durable soft tissue cover over the heel with full sensation over the sole and a pliable flap over the posterior aspect of the heel. The patient was able to fully bear weight and was pain free during her daily activities in comfortable, custom shoes. All fractures had healed, the talar neck fracture after one revision and bone grafting. The foot was plantigrade and stable with preserved painless but limited range of motion at the ankle, subtalar and mid-tarsal joints. Conclusion The unique tissue at the sole of the foot can be salvaged even in cases of full degloving at the hindfoot with the simple method of anchorage with multiple temporary K-wires. Traumatic defects of the vulnerable skin at the posterior aspect of the heel requires durable coverage with free flap coverage. With staged treatment of all bone and soft tissue injuries, a favorable result can be obtained even in case of a complex foot trauma.
机译:背景 脚底脱落是一种罕见且严重的损伤,因为足跟垫不能被类似的组织取代。治疗具有挑战性,只有少数病例报告了不同的治疗方案。方法 本文报道一例46岁女性患者,患者为后足足垫完全撕脱,足后软组织缺损,伴有胫骨前肌腱断裂,距骨、跟骨、中足骨折。脚底用多根临时Kirschner钢丝和湿润的伤口敷料固定在跟骨上。缝合胫骨前肌腱。后足跟软组织缺损用大腿前外侧游离皮瓣治疗。骨折在分阶段手术中修复。结果 2年随访时,患者足跟处有耐用的软组织覆盖物,足底有充分感觉,足跟后侧有柔韧的皮瓣。患者能够完全承受体重,并且在穿着舒适的定制鞋子进行日常活动时没有疼痛。所有骨折均已愈合,距骨颈骨折经过一次翻修和植骨。足跖生长且稳定,脚踝、距下关节和跗骨中关节保留了无痛但有限的活动范围。结论 即使在后足完全脱脂的情况下,也可以用多根临时K线固定的简单方法挽救足底的独特组织。足跟后部脆弱皮肤的创伤性缺损需要用游离皮瓣覆盖进行持久覆盖。通过分阶段治疗所有骨骼和软组织损伤,即使在复杂的足部创伤的情况下也可以获得良好的结果。




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