首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Environment influences sugarbeet tolerance to S-metolachlor

Environment influences sugarbeet tolerance to S-metolachlor


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Herbicides used in sugarbeet are commonly adapted from other row crops and may cause injury and yield loss often associated with environmental and edaphic factors. Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in sugarbeet requires a PRE herbicide, such asS-metolachlor, for its control. The objectives of this research were to evaluate sugarbeet tolerance to PRES-metolachlor, including air temperature and soil water content interactions with soil series in field and growth chamber experiments. Results from field experiments conducted in 12 environments in 2015, 2016, and 2017 indicated 2.16 or 4.32 kg ai ha(-1)S-metolachlor applied PRE reduced sugarbeet density and stature but did not reduce root yield, sucrose content, or recoverable sucrose compared with the untreated control in environments with soils with less than 3.5 organic matter (OM) and receiving greater than 40-mm cumulative rainfall within 14 d after planting. In the growth chamber, sugarbeet density and shoot fresh weight followingS-metolachlor application was influenced by soil moisture content, air temperature, and soil series but not byS-metolachlor rate. Sugarbeet density and shoot fresh weight were reduced 15 and 106, respectively, whenS-metolachlor was applied to a Glyndon sandy loam (2.6 OM, 9.5 clay) at 100 field capacity (FC) and 14 C compared withS-metolachlor application to a Fargo silty clay (7.7 OM and 54 clay) at 100 FC and 21 C. It is concluded that field selection, rather than herbicide rate, is an important criterion for managing sugarbeet tolerance with S-metolachlor.
机译:甜菜中使用的除草剂通常改编自其他行作物,可能会造成伤害和产量损失,通常与环境和湿润因素有关。甜菜中的抗草甘膦水麻需要PRE除草剂,如S-异丙甲草胺进行控制。本研究的目的是评估甜菜对PRES-异丙甲草胺的耐受性,包括田间和生长室实验中气温和土壤含水量与土壤系列的相互作用。2015年、2016年和2017年在12个环境中进行的田间试验结果表明,在土壤有机质含量低于3.5%且种植后14 d内累积降雨量大于40 mm的环境中,施用PRE可降低甜菜密度和高度,但并未降低根系产量、蔗糖含量或可回收蔗糖。在生长室中,施用S-异丙甲草胺后甜菜密度和新条鲜重受土壤含水量、气温和土壤系列的影响,但不受S-异丙甲草胺速率的影响。在100%田间容量(FC)和14 C下施用S-异丙甲草胺(2.6% OM,9.5%粘土)时,甜菜密度和嫩条鲜重分别降低了15%和106%,而施用S-异丙甲草胺在100% FC和21 C下施用法戈粉质粘土(7.7% OM和54%粘土)。结论是,田间选择而不是除草剂率是管理S-异丙甲草胺耐受性的重要标准。




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